Figure Francisco Goya Colossus. Oil on canvas. 116 x 105 cm. Museo del Prado, Madrid.
Figure Giorgio de Chirico. Melancholy and Mystery of a Street Oil on Canvas. 87 x 72 cm. Private collection.
Figure Salvador Dali. The Persistence of Memory Oil on canvas, 24 x 31 cm. Museum of Modern Art, New York.
Figure Rene Magritte Castle in the Pyrenees. Oil on canvas, 200 x 140 cm. The Israel Museum, Jerusalem.
Figure Anne Adams Unravelling Bolero (bar by bar analysis of Ravel's Bolero. Gouache. Website from UCSF Memory and Aging Center.
Figure Vincent Van Gogh. Self-portrait with bandaged ear, easel and Japanese print Oil on canvas, 60 x 49 cm. Courtauld Institute Galleries, London.