Using FishBase and aMaps to predict IAS establishment, species ranges and risk assessment "Integration of biodiversity data recording and information management systems for environmental sustainability: a call for EU ASEAN collaboration” ASEAN-EU Science, Technology & Innovation (STI) Bangkok, Thailand January 2014 Christine Marie V. Casal FishBase Information and Research Group, Inc. (FIN) G. S. Khush Hall, IRRI College, Los Baños 4031 Laguna, Philippines is a partner of
Outline Importance of fish in the ASEANFishBase and AquaMapsInvasiveness Tool/Predictive MapsInformation GapsChallengesStrategies to Accumulate DataPossible collaborations
Importance of fish in the ASEAN Food and nutrition security - preferred item in diets of many, especially poor people (Phillips et al., 2013). Globally an important aquaculture region. Growth in production 115% from (WorldFish, 2011). Globally, nutritional dependence on marine ecosystems is highest in SEA, while coastal dependency is highest in the Philippines (Rockefeller Foundation, 2013).
From: Cai (2011) Fish demand growth rate ( )
Climate change modifies species ranges SEA Species Richness Maps (P>0.5) Tropics are highly vulnerable, fish would be migrating to their comfortable temperatures, some commercial species would be lost (moved).
Fishes which have been introduced and established in the ASEAN CountriesNo. of fishes established Brunei3 Cambodia13 Indonesia20 Laos12 Malaysia20 Myanmar14 Philippines46 Singapore56 Thailand22 Vietnam19 Clarias gariepinus R. Green Competed and/or preyed on indigenous species Oreochromis mossambicus L.Lovshin Parachromis managuensis B.Y. Tang From FishBase 2014
ASEAN aquatic ecosystems highly vulnerable to climate change Invasive species also threaten aquatic ecosystems Food security from aquatic ecosystems threatened.
32,700 Species (finfish), 302,100 Common names, 53,400 Pictures, 49,500 References, 2,090 Collaborators. 700,000 Visits/Month (version 12/2013) Standardized distribution maps for over 17,300 species of fishes, marine mammals and invertebrates (version 8/2013) FishBase and AquaMaps
Trophic Ecology Ecology ● Predators Food items Diet composition Food consumption Ration Reproduction & Life History Maturity ● Spawning ● Eggs Larvae ● Broodstock ● Fry nursery Larval dynamics ● Larval speed Genetics & Aquaculture Electrophoresis Heritability ● Strains Population Dynamics Growth/Mortality ● L/W relations Maximum sizes ● Recruitment L/L relations ● Length frequency Fish as Food Processing ● Ciguatera FAO catches Aquaculture (production) Other Tables Pictures ● References Biblio ● Keys ● Sounds Information in FishBase and SeaLifeBase Distribution Occurrence ● FAO areas Country ● Ecosystem Introductions Morphology & Physiology Metabolism ● Gill area Vision ● Disease Brain ● Abnormalities Ecotoxicology ● Swim mode
What are AquaMaps? Model-based, large-scale predictions of known natural occurrence of marine species Originally developed by Kaschner et al. (2006) to predict global distributions of marine mammals Uses estimates of environmental tolerances of a species with respect to a set environmental parameters Predictions made by matching species tolerances (environmental envelope) against local environmental conditions to determine suitability of area for a given species Probabilities of species occurrence shown in color-coded species range map (0.5° x 0.5° resolution)
Pterois volitans J. E. Randall Now reported in the Bahamas, Belize, Bermuda, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Puerto Rico, Venezuela and most of the Caribbean. In the US, from Texas, Louisiana, Florida, North and South Carolina Virginia and as far north as New York and Rhode Island. Native range Suitable habitat Predicting species ranges using environmental envelopes
Depth range – min-max; common depth Species and online point databases are primary sources of key minimum input data. Minimum Information Environment – adult feeding and breeding environment Occurrence – point data (geographic coordinates) Bounding box coordinates – northernmost, southernmost, westernmost and easternmost limits of native range FAO areas – fishery statistical areas (FAO) where found/collected Decapterus maruadsi Japanese scad Galunggong Chia, B.
Decapterus maruadsi Japanese scad Galunggong Species Environmental Envelopes: Relative probabilities of occurrence: Maps are produced by the CMAR Hosted at
SEA Species Richness Maps (P>0.5) AquaMaps for different species can be analyzed together to illustrate patterns in marine biodiversity for different species groups
Map of predicted drop in species counts in SEA by the year 2050 (based on IPCC SRES A1B)
The Invasiveness page reports species which may be able to establish in natural waters of a country. excludes species which are native or endemic to the country. Preliminary table risk assessment based on information from 800 published documents and contributions from collaborators. Species introductions (~5000 records) Natural distribution Establishment Use (aquaculture or ornamental) Biological characteristics Information in FishBase Risk assessment for invasive species
Incomplete Fishes introduced and established in waters of the Philippines 30 of the 46 species listed here have been predicted by the invasiveness tool
Fishes which have been predicted to establish in the ASEAN CountriesNo. of fishes established No. of aquaculture and ornamental fishes predicted to establish Brunei3140 Cambodia13110 Indonesia20107 Laos12154 Malaysia20112 Myanmar14118 Philippines46127 Singapore56137 Thailand22101 Vietnam fish species have established in the ASEAN, however this is incomplete.
Of the 42 species listed, 21 are established in ASEAN waters!
Risk Assessment Family Genus Species Importance (aquaculture, fisheries, etc.) Distribution Establishment No. of countries Marine, Brackish, Fresh Temp range Env Temp Growth Max length Longevity Resilience Trophic level Diet Reproduction Parental Care Fecundity Data necessary for risk assessment (species introductions)
Information Gaps for use in risk assessment: Longevity Temperature ranges Reproduction, parental care, fecundity Species establishment, etc.
Possible area for collaboration: improve the coverage of information for all important fish species in the ASEAN, e.g. life history
MortalityPredatorEggsGeneticsLarvaeMaturityDietSpawningGrowth Length- Weight ReproductionMax. SizeFoodEcologyPhotos Brunei (489) Cambodia (956) Indonesia (4716) Laos (584) Malaysia (1984) Myanmar (1040) Philippines (3433) Singapore (694) Thailand (2270) Vietnam (2357) % Information Gaps
ASEAN Fishes Information Gaps (%)
REAL No available information DOUBTFUL Information not incorporated in FishBase No reference or information only in other languages and scripts Information Gaps exist:
Challenges Keeping the information current Providing information to those who need it most Getting feedback from users for the continued improvement of the system Funding to continue the work and maximize utility of FishBase
Invite scientists/researchers to share pdfs Invite scientists/researchers to review and to fill up information (through remote data entry (RDE)) provide information on species’ parental care, etc. Use proxy data (from congeners) upon advise of experts E.g. species with similar maximum lengths under same genera may have similar longevity Collaborative projects (species biology, etc.) Citizen science activities (training, distribution information, devt. of IEC materials, etc.) Strategies to accumulate data
Collaboration Information sharing Feedback/ review on data/tools/ reports Analyses and co- authorship on papers Collaborative projects
Collaboration with EU BON Contribute to: – efforts to harmonize the European taxonomic backbone (on fishes) – gap analysis on information for marine fishes and identify priorities for filling gaps – the advertisement of EU BON and dissemination of its outputs
Collaboration with EU BON AquaMaps – contribute AquaMaps model and layers to efforts to develop hybrid models of species distribution scenarios; along side this is developing a forum for collaborative expert review of the maps to improve them and likewise make the expert inputs available to inform other distribution models developed under EU BON – contribute AquaMaps layers to analyses of uncertainty (model algorithm, data sources, etc.) – provide visualization tools for viewing biodiversity information according to needs of stakeholders by improving delivery of our AquaMaps tools for --marine and some fw AquaMaps-- (e.g., species richness maps, latitudinal/longitudinal species richness transects, species checklist by country/LME/ecoregion, wizard- assisted interface for user created/edited AquaMaps, etc.); and contributing to porting these to EU BON Portal as needed
For clarifications and collaboration do contact: Christine Marie V.
AquaMaps Citations 1. ACB Terminal Report: Aquatic Biodiversity Informatics Office/The WorldFish Center (2010). Hotspots of marine biodiversity in the Southeast Asian Sea: Mapping current locations and climate change impacts. (Terminal Report). Los Baños, Laguna: Bailly, N., Kesner-Reyes, K. and Casal, C.V. 2. PowerPoint Presentation Kesner-Reyes, K., Bailly, N. and Casal, C.V. (2011). Predicting species distributions and potential impacts of climate change on marine biodiversity in Southeast Asia. International Conference on Biodiversity and Climate Change. Manila.
Key points: FishBase handles fishes - marine, brackish and fresh Developing countries with limited funds for biodiversity assessment/monitoring and management much less risk assessments would benefit from the information available in the databases. Developing tools to assist countries (developing) in their reporting accountabilities to the CBD and other such fora is also important. The tools which we are trying to develop are to fill the void of these types of knowledge in these countries. We are looking towards building tools to improve the capacity of the resource managers and decision-makers. We are aware that the tools we have developed could be further improved with more collaborative efforts (data and tool design) with more partners both in the developing and developed countries. Keeping information updated/current and freely available to all has a cost and through the years it has become more and more difficult to secure funding to continue the work.
Selecting “Good Point Data” Occurrence points within bounding box or known FAO areas Bounding box or FAO area limits serve as independent verification of the validity of occurrence records. Distribution: Indo-West Pacific: South China Sea to the Hawaiian Islands; north to south Japan and south to Australia; Marshall and Mariana Islands. Reported occurrence in southern Africa could not be confirmed (Ref. 3197).
Global grid of 259,200 half degree cells Good cells are used to extract the of environmental parameters within the species’ native range. Extracting Environmental Parameters
Calculating Environmental Envelopes The environmental envelopes describe tolerances of a species with respect to each environmental parameter. Decapterus maruadsi
Predicting Probability of Occurrence Probabilities of species occurrence are computed by matching the species environmental envelope against local environmental conditions to determine relative suitability of a given area. P c = P bathymetry c x P temperature c x P salinity c x P primary production c x P ice concentration c x P land distance c