Warm Up “No government demands so much from the citizen as democracy, and none gives so much back”- James Bryce What does a democratic government demand from you? What do you get in return?
Quiz Chapter 1 FRIDAY
Chapter 1 Section 3
Foundations of Democracy Recognition of the fundamental worth and dignity of every person. A respect for the equality of all. A faith in majority rule and an insistence on minority rights. An acceptance of the necessity of compromise. An insistence of individual freedom
Worth of the Individual Every person is important and unique
Equality of All Persons “all men are created equal” –Thomas Jefferson Does not insist that all people have equal conditions - Not everyone is born with equal mental and physical abilities All people are entitled to: - Equal opportunity - Equality before the law
Majority Rule, Minority Rights The will of the people determines public policy. Democracy argues: - the majority of people will be right more often than they will be wrong - and more often than an individual or small group
What are potential problems of majority rule?
Minority Rights The majority must recognize the right of the minority to become the majority. The majority must be willing to: -listen to the minorities arguments -hear its objections -listen to its criticisms -welcome suggestions
Necessity of Compromise Decision making must be a give and take among competing interests. Compromise is the process of blending and adjusting competing views. If every individual is unique and important all points of view should be heard Most political questions have more than 2 possible answers
Individual Freedom Democracy can only exist if there is individual freedom. Democracy does not mean complete freedom Each must do as he or she pleases as long as the freedom of others is not inhibited Balance between the freedom of individual and the rights of society
Free Enterprise System Economic system characterized by: private ownership of goods, investments made by private decision, not government directive success or failure determined by the competitive marketplace
Free Enterprise System Four Fundamental Factors Private Ownership Individual Initiative Profit Competition
Free Enterprise system is often called Capitalism
How Does it Work? Law of Supply and Demand -When supplies of goods and services become plentiful, prices tend to drop, when supplies become scarcer, prices tend to rise.
Like democracy, the Free Enterprise System is based on individual freedom
Government and Free Enterprise System An economy in which private enterprise exist along with government regulation and promotion is called a mixed economy. Purpose of Government participation in economy - protect the public - preserve private enterprise