International Food Aid and Development Conference M. Ann Tutwiler Global Food Security Coordinator Office of the Secretary, USDA
Bourlaug Initaitive on Global Research and Innovation Over 8% of Feed the Future budget devoted to research Research investments will be made at national, regional and global level Research will include fundamental research, applied research, extension, economic and social science USDA/USAID jointly develop strategy, implementation plans
Target specific problems rather then open ended topics Tackle fewer priorities more deeply Take systems approach to productivity: integrate multiple technology components and research with development Build a continuum of effort among partners Purpose Driven Research
Defining Research Priorities Using poverty & nutrition lens Identify key agricultural systems Target specific constraints for large scale impact Identify researchable constraints to production Establish criteria for selection of priorities Build pipeline of short, medium, long term impact Defining Priorities
Breeding and genetics for major crops & livestock Biotic Stresses: Pest and disease Abiotic Stresses: Heat, drought, salinity, flood Expanding yield potential: hybrid wheat and rice Improved nutrient and water use efficiency Livestock Infectious diseases Aquaculture systems management Advancing the Productivity Frontier
Integrate global technology with site specific natural resource, social science, and market research Link global research partners with regional & national Integrate research with development interventions Focus on Regions Where Poor are Concentrated –South Asia –East Africa –Southern & East African –West African Sahel Transforming Key Production Systems
Grain legume productivity gains Crop and animal source nutrition Increase micronutrient density and bioavailability Reduce/eliminate mycotoxin contamination Reduce post-harvest losses Environmental health Enhancing Dietary Quality and Safety
Substantial food aid resources that can be aligned with the goals of the Initiative. Capacity to support regulatory and policy- making institutions. Capacity to promote open trade and market friendly agricultural policies Outstanding intra and extramural research. Premier agricultural statistics and market information systems. Established relations with counterpart ministries of agriculture. USDA Engagement
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