Storey: Electrical & Electronic Systems © Pearson Education Limited 2004 OHT 20.1 Field-Effect Transistors Introduction An Overview of Field-Effect Transistors Insulated-Gate Field-Effect Transistors Junction-Gate Field-Effect Transistors FET Characteristics Summary of FET Characteristics FET Amplifiers Other FET Applications Chapter 20
Storey: Electrical & Electronic Systems © Pearson Education Limited 2004 OHT 20.2 Introduction Field-effect transistors (FETs) are probably the simplest form of transistor –widely used in both analogue and digital applications –they are characterised by a very high input resistance and small physical size, and they can be used to form circuits with a low power consumption –they are widely used in very large-scale integration –two basic forms: insulated gate FETs junction gate FETs 20.1
Storey: Electrical & Electronic Systems © Pearson Education Limited 2004 OHT 20.3 An Overview of Field-Effect Transistors Many forms, but basic operation is the same –a voltage on a control input produces an electric field that affects the current between two other terminals –when considering amplifiers we looked at a circuit using a ‘control device’ –a FET is a suitable control device 20.2
Storey: Electrical & Electronic Systems © Pearson Education Limited 2004 OHT 20.4 Notation –FETs are 3 terminal devices drain (d) source (s) gate(g) –the gate is the control input –diagram illustrates the notation used for labelling voltages and currents
Storey: Electrical & Electronic Systems © Pearson Education Limited 2004 OHT 20.5 Insulated-Gate Field-Effect Transistors Such devices are sometimes called IGFETs (insulated-gate field-effect transistors) or sometimes MOSFETs (metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistors) Digital circuits constructed using these devices are usually described as using MOS technology Here we will describe them as MOSFETs 20.3
Storey: Electrical & Electronic Systems © Pearson Education Limited 2004 OHT 20.6 Construction –two polarities: n-channel and p-channel
Storey: Electrical & Electronic Systems © Pearson Education Limited 2004 OHT 20.7 Operation –gate volt controls the thickness of the channel –consider an n-channel device making the gate more positive attracts electrons to the gate and makes the gate region thicker – reducing the resistance of the channel. The channel is said to be enhanced making the gate more negative repels electrons from the gate and makes the gate region thinner – increasing the resistance of the channel. The channel is said to be depleted
Storey: Electrical & Electronic Systems © Pearson Education Limited 2004 OHT 20.8 –the effect of varying the gate voltage
Storey: Electrical & Electronic Systems © Pearson Education Limited 2004 OHT 20.9 –gates as described above are termed Depletion- Enhancement MOSFETs or simply DE MOSFETs –some MOSFETs are constructed so that in the absence of any gate voltage there is no channel such devices can be operated in an enhancement mode, but not in a depletion mode (since there is no channel to deplete) these are called Enhancement MOSFETs –both forms of MOSFET are available as either n-channel or p-channel devices
Storey: Electrical & Electronic Systems © Pearson Education Limited 2004 OHT MOSFET circuit symbols
Storey: Electrical & Electronic Systems © Pearson Education Limited 2004 OHT Junction-Gate Field-Effect Transistors Sometimes known as a JUGFET Here we will use another common name – the JFET Here the insulated gate of a MOSFET is replaced with a reverse-biased pn junction Since the gate junction is always reverse-biased no current flows into the gate and it acts as if it were insulated 20.4
Storey: Electrical & Electronic Systems © Pearson Education Limited 2004 OHT Construction –two polarities: n-channel and p-channel
Storey: Electrical & Electronic Systems © Pearson Education Limited 2004 OHT Operation –the reverse-biased gate junction produced a depletion layer in the region of the channel –the gate volt controls the thickness of the depletion layer and hence the thickness of the channel –consider an n-channel device the gate will always be negative with respect to the source to keep the junction between the gate and the channel reverse- biased making the gate more negative increases the thickness of the depletion layer, reducing the width of the channel – increasing the resistance of the channel.
Storey: Electrical & Electronic Systems © Pearson Education Limited 2004 OHT –the effect of varying the gate voltage
Storey: Electrical & Electronic Systems © Pearson Education Limited 2004 OHT JFET circuit symbols
Storey: Electrical & Electronic Systems © Pearson Education Limited 2004 OHT FET Characteristics While MOSFETs and JFETs operate in different ways, their characteristics are quite similar Input characteristics –in both MOSFETs and JFETs the gate is effectively insulated from the remainder of the device Output characteristics –consider n-channel devices –usually the drain is more positive than the source –the drain voltage affects the thickness of the channel 20.5
Storey: Electrical & Electronic Systems © Pearson Education Limited 2004 OHT 20.17
Storey: Electrical & Electronic Systems © Pearson Education Limited 2004 OHT FET output characteristics
Storey: Electrical & Electronic Systems © Pearson Education Limited 2004 OHT Transfer characteristics –similar shape for all forms of FET – but with a different offset –not a linear response, but over a small region might be considered to approximate a linear response
Storey: Electrical & Electronic Systems © Pearson Education Limited 2004 OHT Normal operating ranges for FETs
Storey: Electrical & Electronic Systems © Pearson Education Limited 2004 OHT When operating about its operating point we can describe the transfer characteristic by the change in output that is caused by a certain change in the input –this corresponds to the slope of the earlier curves –this quantity has units of current/voltage, which is the reciprocal of resistance (this is conductance) –since this quantity described the transfer characteristics it is called the transconductance, g m Note:
Storey: Electrical & Electronic Systems © Pearson Education Limited 2004 OHT Small-signal equivalent circuit of a FET –models the behaviour of the device for small variations of the input about the operating point
Storey: Electrical & Electronic Systems © Pearson Education Limited 2004 OHT Summary of FET Characteristics FETS have three terminals: drain, source and gate The gate is the control input Two polarities of device: n-channel and p-channel Two main forms of FET: MOSFET and JFET In each case the drain current is controlled by the voltage applied to the gate with respect to the source Behaviour is characterised by the transconductance The operating point differs between devices 20.6
Storey: Electrical & Electronic Systems © Pearson Education Limited 2004 OHT FET circuit symbols:
Storey: Electrical & Electronic Systems © Pearson Education Limited 2004 OHT FET Amplifiers A simple DE MOSFET amplifier –R G is used to ‘bias’ the gate at its correct operating point (which for a DE MOSFET is 0 V) –C is a coupling capacitor and is used to couple the AC signal while preventing externals circuits from affecting the bias –this is an AC-coupled amplifier 20.7
Storey: Electrical & Electronic Systems © Pearson Education Limited 2004 OHT AC-coupled amplifier –input resistance – equal to R G –output resistance – approximately equal to R D –gain – approximately –g m R D (the minus sign shows that this is an inverting amplifier) –C produced a low-frequency cut-off at a frequency f c given by where R is the input resistance of the amplifier (which in this case is equal to R G )
Storey: Electrical & Electronic Systems © Pearson Education Limited 2004 OHT Negative feedback amplifier –reduces problems of variability of active components –voltage across R s is proportional to drain current, which is directly proportional to the output voltage –this voltage is subtracted from input voltage to gate –hence negative feedback
Storey: Electrical & Electronic Systems © Pearson Education Limited 2004 OHT Source follower –similar to earlier circuit, but output is now taken from the source –feedback causes the source to follow the input voltage –produces a unity-gain amplifier –also called a source follower
Storey: Electrical & Electronic Systems © Pearson Education Limited 2004 OHT Other FET Applications A voltage controlled attenuator –for small drain-to-source voltages FETs resemble voltage-controlled resistors –the gate voltage V G is used to control this resistance and hence the gain of the potential divider –used, for example, in automatic gain control in radio receivers 20.8
Storey: Electrical & Electronic Systems © Pearson Education Limited 2004 OHT A FET as an analogue switch
Storey: Electrical & Electronic Systems © Pearson Education Limited 2004 OHT A FET as a logical switch
Storey: Electrical & Electronic Systems © Pearson Education Limited 2004 OHT Key Points FETs are widely used in both analogue and digital circuits They have high input resistance and small physical size There are two basic forms of FET: MOSFETs and JFETs MOSFETs may be divided into DE and Enhancement types In each case the gate voltage controls the current from the drain to the source The characteristics of the various forms of FET are similar except that they require different bias voltages The use of coupling capacitors prevents the amplification of DC and produced AC amplifiers FETs can be used to produce various forms of amplifier and a range of other circuit applications