COMPONENT TEST H4IRRAD 15 TH NOVEMBER 2011 G. Spiezia, P. Peronnard, G. Foucard, S. Danzeca, P. Gander, E. Fadakis (EN/STI/ECE)


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Presentation transcript:

COMPONENT TEST H4IRRAD 15 TH NOVEMBER 2011 G. Spiezia, P. Peronnard, G. Foucard, S. Danzeca, P. Gander, E. Fadakis (EN/STI/ECE)

Outline  Component description  Goal of the test  Setup  Radiation conditions and dosimetry  Results  Conclusions

Components under test DUT Type- Tec Voltag e Parameters Nb parts Temperature ºC AD822Jfet-Amp+/-5 V Current bias/Offset Latch-up 2Room AD8220DiffAmp+/-5 V Offset Latch-up 2Room LTC2052 OpAmp- CMOS +/-5 V Offset Latch-up 2Room XC95108CPLD+5 VLatch-up370 XC95108CPLD+5 VLatch-up3Room MAX11046ADC +5 V Latch-up375 PCM1702kDAC+/-5 VLatch-up375

Motivation  Compare test at H4IRRAD and PSI for a better understanding of the ELDRS effect and destructive events  Some devices taken from the TRAD report  AD822  Known to be sensitive to ELDRS  To be tested at PSI at higher dose rate  AD8220  Tested at PSI and failed at 40 Gy  Comparison with H4IRRAD  LTC2052  LET threshold for latch-up at <10 MeV.cm2/mg.,  th =10 -6 cm 2  sat =10 -4  Test at H4IRRAD and PSI to verify if latch-up are induced

Motivation  CPLD XC95108  Tested at PSI HI and showed latch-up  Comparison with H4IRRAD. Test at room temperature and heated  Implementation of a shift registers  MAX bit ADC  Tested at PSI. No Latch-up  Comparison with H4IRRAD. Test at room temperature and heated  PCM1702K- 20 bit DAC  Possible use of the component  Test at H4IRRAD to verify destructive events. Test at room temperature and heated  Test at PSI to verify the TID and the cross section for Soft and destructive SEE

SETUP  Monitoring of the parameter drift  Amplifier parameters, ADC reference, and current consumption measured with a multimeter. Slow acquisition  Latch-up test  Separate anti latch-up circuit for each positive and negative Voltage supply  Unique anti latch-up circuit for the 3 ADC MAX11046 and the amplifiers  16 channels acquired at 1 MS/s for the latch-up detection

H4IRRAD – Beam conditions  H4IRRAD Internal location  Mixed field and high energy hadrons ±5 cm ±10 M. Calviani

H4IRRAD – Beam conditions  H4IRRAD Internal location target Top of internal rack with component test

H4IRRAD – Beam conditions  H4IRRAD Internal location  1.2e9 pot per cycle  Cycle ~ 45 s  Bunch length 5 s  TID/Pot ~ 3e-12 [Gy/pot]  TID per cycle ~ 3.6 mGy  TID during extraction (5s)=2.6Gy/h  Average Dose rate (3.6 mGy over 45 sec) = 0.3 Gy/h  Recommended dose rate to evaluate ELDR

H4IRRAD – Dosimetry  FLUKA calculation (TID in air)  High gradient on the target line  TID 35 Gy, HEH 4-5x10 10 cm -2

H4IRRAD – Dosimetry for TID  FLUKA calculation (TID in air)  High gradient on the target line  Score position to be reviewed  Radfets on the RADMON (2 oxide Thickness) FLUKA [Gy Air ]±50%400nm [Gy -Si]100nm [Gy -Si]TID ±50% 19/06-27/ /06-25/ ±50 19/06-21/ ±40 SLOT 3 19/10-7/ (TO be Verified)3535±17

H4IRRAD – Dosimetry for TID  FLUKA calculation (TID in air)  High gradient on the target line  Score position to be reviewed  Radfets on the RADMON (2 oxide Thickness)  HEH fluence is ~5x10 10 cm -2 POT= 1.12e+013 Radmon 1Radmon 2Radmon 3Radmon 4Radmon 5 Fluka Fluence HEH [cm -2 ] 5,62E+091,20E+102,62E+106,12E+108,35E+09 Fluence with SEU/TID ±11% 3,50E+091,07E+102,59E+104,78E+105,66E+09 Fluence with SEU/POT ±16% 0,00E+00 3,20E+105,07E+100,00E+00 % Difference Fluka vs SEU/TID % Difference Fluka vs SEU/POT

Results DUT Type Technology PSI, p+, >250Gy/h * H4IRRAD 0.3 Gy/h * H4IRRAD HEH [cm - 2 ]** Temperature AD822Jfet-AmpNo tested35-ok0 latchRoom AD8220DiffAmp 40 Gy - broken 35-ok0 latchRoom LTC2052OpAmp-CMOS Not tested yet 35-ok0 latchRoom XC95108CPLD35 – ok0 latchRoom XC95108CPLD35 - ok2 latch70 C MAX11046ADC- BiCMOS 200 Gy- Broken 35 – ok0 latch80 C PCM1702kDAC0 latch70 C *Max TID without failure or TID at which measurements are out of spec **Fluence/ nb latch

Results  Notes  Signals are noisy due to long cables  Decimation is applied for analysis Amplitude [V] OctoberNovember Noise Expected level

Results – AD822  H4IRRAD  3 Gy/h(per extraction)  0.3Gy/h (average)  35 Gy  Within specification but TID is low  PSI test to be done  NSREC2009: I bias degradation at about Gy at 0.01 rad/s  0.3 Gy/h ~35 Gy (100nm radfet measurement) I bias current

Results – AD8220  PSI  250 Gy/h  230 MeV p+  30 Gy –failure  I bias very high as soon as the beam is on-1nA  H4IRRAD  3 Gy/h(per extraction)  0.3Gy/h (average)  Within specification Differential amplifier; output signal OctoberNovember

Results – CPLD  H4IRRAD  5x10 10 cm 2  2 Latch-up events on the heated CPLD

Results – CPLD  H4IRRAD  5x10 10 cm 2  2 Latch-up events on the heated CPLD Power ON Power OFF Current increase to 500 mA First event

Results – CPLD  H4IRRAD  5x10 10 cm 2  2 Latch-up events on the heated CPLD Power ON Power OFF Current increase to 500 mA

Results – CPLD  H4IRRAD  5x10 10 cm 2  2 Latch-up events on the heated CPLD Latch

Conclusions  AD822  almost at the limit of specifications;  Seem to agree with literature  PSI test to be done  CPLD  Other components within specifications  2 Latch-up on the CPLD  No Latch-up on MAX11046 and PCM  Note  Signals are noisy  Detailed tests on mixed signal devices require a protected zone where a mother board can be placed  Comparison H4IRRAD (low dose rate and mixed field) – PSI (p+ 230 MeV, high flux, high dose rate)  Total TID 35 Gy; HEH fluence 5x10 10 cm -2  Less Fluence than expected  Difficult to compare

Back-up 

How to explain  H4IRRAD spectrum  Spectrum in the target line is dominated by high energy hadrons (Needed to verify destructive events)  Dose enhancement effect seems to appear mainly in case of Co60 irradiation  Microelectronics may degrade less in a Hadron environment with respect to pure gamma irradiation  Open point: depending on the technology, the Hadron energy (literature focused on proton), and the percentage composition of our spectrum

Results-slot 1 &2 DUT Type- Technology PSI, p+, >250Gy/h * H4IRRAD 0.3 Gy/h * Comment MAX410OpAmp-Bip100 Gy-ok85-ok OPA2227OpAmp200 Gy -ok85-ok TL072OpAmp200 Gy-ok- TL431Voltage Ref200 Gy-ok85 – ok TL432Voltage Ref 200 Gy-ok 85 - ok LM4041Voltage Ref200 Gy-Ok85 – ok INA141DiffAmp 130Gy-Out of spec 85 - ok Limit of spec MAX6341 Voltage Ref (ADC) 25 Gy-Out of spec 25 Gy-Out of spec. 3 mV drift over 100 Gy * Max TID without failure or TID at which measurements are out of spec