Outline Angelica Villarreal, Raul Moctezuma, and Myles Voorheis,
Introduction Definition Animal cruelty takes place when a human treats an animal poorly, either through negligence or physical/mental abuse. Background Animal abuse is a problem that takes place all over the world. The victims of animal abuse are not just household pets.
Position/ Advocacy Should, does, is statement. Animal abuse is a huge problem that does have a wide array of consequences, and should be stopped. Overall persuasive position People should be aware of animal abuse so that they can do their part to help alleviate the problem.
Opposing Viewpoint People who oppose my viewpoint The people who oppose my viewpoint would be those who abuse animals themselves.
1 st Reason Animal abuse is morally wrong and can take a devastating toll on the victims. Many animals suffer due to negligence and severe physical/ mental abuse. So many suffer in silence, unable to defend themselves. They don’t know if they’ll live to see tomorrow, and that’s why people should be aware of animal abuse. If people are aware, they can do their part to help the victim. We will back this up with evidence and statistics that support the claim.
2 nd Reason Animal abuse doesn’t just affect the victims. It also affects those who are close to them. Sometimes animal abuse can affect those who have never even come in contact with the victim. Recent studies have shown that there is a correlation to those who abused animals as youths and violent criminal offenders. We will look at several studies, charts, and other data that support this claim that animal abuse can lead to the creation of violent criminal offenders in the future.
Advocacy State policies In this section, we will examine the policies related to animal abuse. The majority of the content discussed will be the punishments and fines that result from animal abuse, because in addition to punishing offenders, these policies are also meant to deter potential abusers from doing wrong.
Research Here we will list our sources/research and contact information for the organizations dedicated to helping the victims of animal abuse and preventing the abuse of others.
Conclusion Rolling credits to include Fair Use Statement and Citations
Fair Use Statement The purpose of this page is for the viewing of the assignments for my English 1312 course. All rights are reserved to (Angleica Villarreal,Myles Voorheis, and Raul Moctezuma), and no copying is allowed without permission. The University requires all members of its community to follow copyright and fair use requirements. You are individually and solely responsible for violations of copyright and fair use laws. Violations of copyright laws could subject you to federal and state civil penalties and criminal liability, as well as disciplinary action under University policies.