Region 10 Professional Activities Y W Liu, Professional and History coordinator 3 March 2012, Kolkata, India
What is the benefits and advantages if I join IEEE?
Professional Activities focuses on maintaining and enhancing lifelong employability and career maintenance, while providing advice to and collaborating with public bodies, corporations, NGOs and non-profits to benefit the members, their fields of practice, and the general public, and continuing to promote ethical conduct.
Technology updates IEEE Members can access free of charge using their web account IEEE Spectrum: Technology, Engineering, and Science NewsIEEE Spectrum: Technology, Engineering, and Science News –Latest engineering, technology and science news. Articles, podcasts, videos, and webinars about robotics, electronics, computing, energy, biomedical devices, …
Technology updates is an award winning, internet based television network, made possible by the members of IEEE. produces and delivers special-interest programming about technology and engineering for the benefit of IEEE's members and the general public. membership/ieeetv/ membership/ieeetv/index.html
Technology updates Free - E-Book Classics for IEEE Members –available to members through IEEE Xplore. mbership/products/ebookclassics.html mbership/products/ebookclassics.html IEEE-USA E-BooksIEEE-USA E-Books –offer a convenient way to brush up on career and policy issues. Choose from titles in a number of categories, including:...
IEEE-USA E-BooksIEEE-USA E-Books Samples Engineering the Art of Negotiation — Part 1: How to Handle Your Boss In Part 1, negotiations consultant and trainer John G. Shulman shows you how to get ahead in your organization and experience more career satisfaction by building better relationships with your superiors through interest-based negotiation. Download this e-BookEngineering the Art of Negotiation — Part 2: How to Handle Your Colleagues In Part 2: How to Handle Your Colleagues, internationally renowned negotiations consultant and trainer John G. Shulman shows you how you can get ahead in your organization and experience more career satisfaction by building a better relationship with your colleagues using the principles and practices of interest-based negotiation. Download this e-BookThe Best of TE: On Innovation The Best of Today's Engineer: On Innovation is a compilation of the IEEE- USA magazine's best articles on — what it means, what it is, how to do it, what to think about it, how to achieve it, and how it might be affecting some aspects of engineering. Download this e-BookThe Best of TE: On Consulting IEEE-USA's first e-Book puts 65 pages of content for consultants right at your fingertips. Access information on how to start a local consultants network; how to make sure you get paid for your work; how to make the transition from marketing to paid consulting; IEEE-USA's 2004 Profile of Consultants; and a sample consulting contract. Download this e-BookDownload this e-Book
Networking As the world's largest technical association, IEEE is comprised of a variety of groups, active in publications, conferences, and building technical communities. These units involve member outreach at both, the local and global level. There are two ways to get involved with IEEE –by area of interest (Knowledge Groups) –by geographic location (In Your Area). –
Networking To start with, join your local Section / Chapter activities and get acquainting with the local IEEE family members. Then contribute to the volunteer services and become a volunteer leader. You will get lots of fun and interests through participation in the running of your local unit, organizing technical events and be an organizing committee member of IEEE Conferences. IEEE does have variety and great opportunities for her members.
Networking You can petition to form a Chapter or joint Chapter in your expertise area, which belongs to one of 38 IEEE Societies subject fields. 12 signatories of higher grade members who also subscribed the relevant Societies are needed to petition to form a Chapter. You can petition to form a local Section if your areas do have more than 100 IEEE members, a total of 50 petition signatories of high grade members are needed.
Networking Through the local Chapters and Section, you will be connected with the IEEE world-wide Network. Then you may be invited or nominated to serve a comprehensive leadership positions in Chapter, Section, Region, Society and IEEE BoD level, ex.html ex.html Volunteer Resource available, WT.mc_id=soc_vol WT.mc_id=soc_vol
Networking You can also propose new idea and initiatives which are relevant to IEEE Vision and Mission: - IEEE's core purpose is to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity.
Networking Entrepreneurs Village (IEEE-USA) IEEE-USA TechMatch – online matching of IEEE Entrepreneurs and funders (angels, VCs and other sources) Employment & Career Strategies Communities (IEEE-USA) IEEE-USA LinkedIn IEEE-USA Facebook IEEE-USA Twitter
Student Service TISP -- Teacher in service has been promoted in some Countries of R9. The Teacher In-Service Program features IEEE Section engineers developing and presenting technologically-oriented subjects that matter to local pre-college students. This program has been coordinated for students and committees, and has been successful where it has been presented. Various competitions for students: Student Branch Website Design Competition and Telus Innovation Design Competition, Student Paper Competition WISE Program (IEEE-USA): Washington Internship for Students of Engineering Program provides the opportunity to juniors and seniors in University to spend time in Washington, D.C., writing a technology policy paper and meeting with Government officials.
Public Policy Services Eye on Washington (IEEE-USA): High readership among members from Regions Public Policy Awareness (Press Releases) (IEEE-USA) Government Fellowships (IEEE-USA) Federal, State, and Local Advocacy (IEEE-USA) Grassroots Advocacy Program (IEEE-USA)
Publications/Communications/O ne Stop Shopping Websites Today’s Engineer – Online and print (IEEE-USA): High readership among Regions IEEE-USA Website (IEEE-USA) IEEE Website (IEEE-USA) IEEE-USA E-Books (IEEE-USA): High interest among Regions 7-10.
Training Careers Webinars (IEEE-USA) Annual Meetings (IEEE-USA) Career Development Courses (IEEE-USA) P.E. Exam Review Courses (IEEE-USA) Webinars (IEEE-USA) Continuing Professional Development courses (IEEE-USA)
Training DLT -- Distinguished Lecture Tours: Technical Chapters are encouraged to take advantage of this benefit that the Societies’ offer. Several DLTs take place during the year in Region 9 Countries. (A Region 9 Service) Organize lectures and workshops in Sections (A Region 8 Service)Organize lectures and workshops Facilitate use of Webinars and Online seminars (A Region 8 Service)Webinars and Online seminars Webinars (A Region 7 Service) Collaboration with other professional organizations, such as PMI, APEO, OSPE in offering courses (A Region 7 Service)
IEEE Career and other Services: IEEE provides “one-stop” shopping for all IEEE members for career and employment needs: Employer/Independent Employment Services, Consultants Database (IEEE-USA), Innovation Institute (IEEE-USA), Consultants Network
IEEE Career and other Services: The IEEE Foundation provides philanthropic services in support of the IEEE core purpose to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity, on/about.html on/about.html
History Committee mission of the IEEE History Committee is to preserve, research and promote the history of information and electrical technologies History Committee advising the IEEE Board of Directors on matters of the legacy and heritage of IEEE and its members and their related professions and technologies, and carrying out some activities in those areas.History Committee resources are available online at the IEEE Global History NetworkIEEE Global History Network
IEEE Milestones in EE & Computing Honors significant technical achievements in associated with IEEE Recognize the technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity found in unique products, services, seminal papers and patents As least 25 years old, and must have had at least regional importance
STARS STARS is an acronym for Significant Technological Achievement Recognition Selections online compendium of invited, peer- reviewed articles on the history of major developments in electrical and computer science and technology provide authoritative information, valuable in itself, but also useful as starting points for further investigations
Global History Network (GHN) GHN is intended to be the world’s premier site for the documentation, analysis and explanation of the history of electrical, electronic, and computer technologies, the scientists, engineers and business people who made these technologies happen, and on the history of the organizations to which these men and women belonged
Global History Network uses a wiki-based web platform to foster a collaborative online environment IEEE GHN will also provide a central location for all materials related to IEEE’s organizational history GHN is available at: