THE EUROPEAN SCOUT REGION Dr. Andrea Demarmels Chairperson, European Scout Committee
Topics What is the European Scout Region? What is the European Scout Region? How does it work? How does it work? The Strategic Priorities The Strategic Priorities The Core Services The Core Services The Regional Scout Plan The Regional Scout Plan Serving and supporting you Serving and supporting you Global Support, Consultancy Global Support, Consultancy Forthcoming Opportunities Forthcoming Opportunities
What is the European Scout Region? Approximately 1,800,000 people Approximately 1,800,000 people 41 National Scout Organisations 41 National Scout Organisations – 67 National Scout Associations European Regional Conference European Regional Conference European Scout Committee European Scout Committee World Scout Bureau - European Regional Office World Scout Bureau - European Regional Office European Scout Foundation European Scout Foundation
How does the European Scout Region work? European Regional Conference European Regional Conference Regional Scout Plan Regional Scout Plan Resolutions Resolutions European Scout Committee European Scout Committee European Regional Office European Regional Office European Scout Foundation European Scout Foundation Finance Finance The European Regional Conference meets every three years in different locations around Europe. The 21 st European Scout Conference took place in Berlin, Germany in August The 22 nd European Scout Conference will be near Oslo, Norway, in 2016.
How does the European Scout Region work? European Regional Conference European Regional Conference Regional Scout Plan Regional Scout Plan Resolutions Resolutions European Scout Committee European Scout Committee European Regional Office European Regional Office European Scout Foundation European Scout Foundation Finance Finance The European Regional Conference adopts a Regional Scout Plan and the European Scout Committee implements it. The Regional Scout Plan is, in effect, our strategy. The Regional Scout Plan is built with input from National Scout Organisations and National Scout Associations.
How does the European Scout Region work? European Regional Conference European Regional Conference Regional Scout Plan Regional Scout Plan Resolutions Resolutions European Scout Committee European Scout Committee European Regional Office European Regional Office European Scout Foundation European Scout Foundation Finance Finance National Scout Organisations debate and adopt Resolutions that don’t necessarily feature in the Regional Scout Plan. The European Scout Committee with the support of the World Scout Bureau – European Regional Office, and National Scout Organisations, implements the Resolutions.
How does the European Scout Region work? European Regional Conference European Regional Conference Regional Scout Plan Regional Scout Plan Resolutions Resolutions European Scout Committee European Scout Committee European Regional Office European Regional Office European Scout Foundation European Scout Foundation Finance Finance 6 volunteers, representing European Scouting, seen here shortly after election at the Scout conference in Berlin.
How does the European Scout Region work? European Regional Conference European Regional Conference Regional Scout Plan Regional Scout Plan Resolutions Resolutions European Scout Committee European Scout Committee European Regional Office European Regional Office European Scout Foundation European Scout Foundation Finance Finance The professional staff team is based in Geneva, Brussels and in the field.
How does the European Scout Region work? European Regional Conference European Regional Conference Regional Scout Plan Regional Scout Plan Resolutions Resolutions European Scout Committee European Scout Committee European Regional Office European Regional Office European Scout Foundation European Scout Foundation Finance Finance The European Scout Foundation seeks: To provide financial support for the development of Scouting in Central and Eastern Europe. To develop the Friends of Scouting in Europe to raise money to support Scout projects. To increase the endowment capital in order to provide financial support for other activities of the European Scout Region.
How does the European Scout Region work? European Regional Conference European Regional Conference Regional Scout Plan Regional Scout Plan Resolutions Resolutions European Scout Committee European Scout Committee European Regional Office European Regional Office European Scout Foundation European Scout Foundation Finance Finance The European Scout Region is financed through income from a variety of sources including the Fund for European Scouting, Regional Fees, grant applications to European Institutions and other bodies. This income covers the expenditures associated with the Office and the Committee. Financial support is available to NSOs/NSAs through various mechanisms including the Partnership Fund.
The Strategic Priorities Youth Empowerment Youth Empowerment Diversity and Inclusion Diversity and Inclusion The Regional Scout Plan is developed in the context of global strategic priorities agreed by the World Scout Conference. The 39 th World Scout Conference took place in Curitiba, Brazil, in January 2011 and the 40 th World Scout Conference will take place in Ljubljana, Slovenia, in August 2014.
The Core Services Educational Methods Educational Methods Organisational Development Organisational Development External Relations and Funding External Relations and Funding The Strategic Priorities are underpinned by Core Services, that are timeless in nature, and reflect the fundamental requirements for the effective provision of high quality Scouting across Europe.
The Regional Scout Plan Progress Reports 3 x per year, following meetings of the European Scout Committee Progress Reports 3 x per year, following meetings of the European Scout Committee Annual Reports provided to NSOs Annual Reports provided to NSOs Key Performance Indicators to measure progress Key Performance Indicators to measure progress The Regional Scout Plan is entitled ‘Developing Scouting, Supporting Growth ’
The Regional Scout Plan Key Messages Key Messages – Focus on growth – Understand diversity and strive for inclusion – Empower the youth – Deliver global support – Collaborate with others – Manage and use our volunteers effectively – Improve transparency and accountability The Regional Scout Plan is entitled ‘Developing Scouting, Supporting Growth ’
Serving and supporting you Geneva Professional expertise in: Geneva Professional expertise in: – Educational Methods – Youth Programme & Adult Resources – Organisational Development – Global Support – Communications – Partnership Fund – Legal and Constitutional Advice – Financial and Administrative Advice – In conjunction with the Treasurer – Secretariat of The European Scout Committee The European Scout Committee The European Scout Foundation The European Scout Foundation The World Scout Bureau – European Regional Office is at the service of National Scout Organisations and National Scout Associations in the European Scout Region.
Serving and supporting you Brussels Professional expertise in: Brussels Professional expertise in: – External Representation – Partnerships – External Funding – Lobbying – Monitoring All offices deliver support to associations. Sometimes this is provided directly, and at other times, it is provided through seminars, events and networking opportunities. Advice is also available by and ‘phone as well.
Global Support Not a new concept! Not a new concept! – We believe it can have a multiplier effect and allows us to work with NSOs/NSAs on an individual basis Narrow scope for Narrow scope for – Tailored Support Unit involved Broad scope for and Broad scope for and – All Working Groups and Core Groups involved World level World level – Providing ‘Consultancy’ though the ‘Global Support’ Assessment Tool. Completing the regional Global Support offer. During , the European Scout Committee reconsidered how to deliver effective support to National Scout Organisations and National Scout Associations. The concept of ‘Tailored Support’ was put to use and enhanced in , with support being offered directly to associations. In the broader concept of Global Support was introduced, offering a more effective support to NSOs/NSAs.
Global Support Global Support Assessment Tool Global Support Assessment Tool – We endeavour to understand the situation in NSOs/NSAs so that we can respond with the appropriate support – This either through a self assessment using the GSAT or through the WOSM GSAT consultants Visits and Mentoring by Consultants Visits and Mentoring by Consultants – We use volunteers and staff from our Consultancy Pool to work with NSOs/NSAs, through visits as well as through mentoring – We can partner NSOs/NSAs to work together in Europe and beyond The provision of Global (=Tailored) Support relies heavily on NSOs/NSAs being open about their needs as well as their strengths. We have access to expertise and knowledge in NSOs/NSAs, and have a broad overview of the situation across the whole of Europe.
Global Support We can suggest a visit We can suggest a visit – Normally via the Committee Contact System, or Regional Office, and based on information gathered from self assessment / GSAT You can request support on demand You can request support on demand – We will assess your request and respond We will identify a Consultant and make arrangements for meetings, visits, mentoring etc. We will identify a Consultant and make arrangements for meetings, visits, mentoring etc. – Several costs are met by the European Scout Region A visit by Consultant usually takes place over a weekend, when both the Consultant and representatives from the NSO/NSA are typically available.
Global Support Tools that are often used: Tools that are often used: Organisational Development Model Organisational Development Model Strategic Planning Toolkit Strategic Planning Toolkit Action for Growth (World / Europe) Action for Growth (World / Europe) Renewed Approach to Programme (RAP) Renewed Approach to Programme (RAP) Training System Toolkit (TST) Training System Toolkit (TST) ScoutBoomComm ScoutBoomComm Our consultants draw on their own domain knowledge and use tools developed by WOSM and others to aid development.
Our Joint Work with WAGGGS Development of effective and sustainable Guiding and Scouting associations Valuing the contribution of youth and adult Volunteering including to skills development and employability Organising of Joint Events Organising of Joint Events The European Scout Committee and the Europe Committee WAGGGS work together on issues of common importance, including three that are integral parts of the Regional Scout Plan. Events, visits and lobbying are often organised and undertaken together, to our mutual benefit.
Forthcoming Opportunities Partnership Event, March 2014, Finland Network meeting of Representatives, February 2014, Brussels Agora, April 2014; Lyon Diversity I, March 2014, Brussels Diversity II, May 2014, Prague E-learning event, 6-8 June 2014, Amsterdam Safe from Harm, June 2014, Brussels Academy 2014, 4-9 November 2014, Belgrade Global Support… all year! Global Support… all year! Seminars and events are organised throughout the year. You can find detailed information at
Find out more The Committee Contact System The Committee Contact System – Each Member follows several countries – Regularly updated blog – Regularly updated blog, run jointly with WAGGGS Facebook and Twitter Facebook and Twitter – – The European Scout Region communicates via the website, newsletters, factsheets and Annual Reports as well as in person!
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