World Scout Movement
Boy Scout of the Philippines (BSP) is part & parcel of the WORLD ORGANIZATION OF THE SCOUT MOVEMENT (WOSM), of which more than a hundred other National Scout Organizations are also members. Scouting is an educational movement for young people whose purpose is to contribute to their personal & social development.
Principle of the World Scout Movement Duty to God Loyalty to one’s own country Belief in World Friendship & Brotherhood Service to others Acceptance & Adherence to the Scout Promise / Oath & Law Voluntary membership Independence from all political influence A unique system which consists of a progressive program of training for boys, adolescents & young men, designed to prepare them for good citizenship, based on the patrol system, with advancement & outdoor activities.
Three Main Bodies that Compose the World Scout Movement WORLD SCOUT CONFERENCE Similar to the General Assembly of the United Nations One National organization is recognized in each country & entitled to 6 votes. In countries where there are several Scout Organizations, a federation is formed for world membership. The conference is held biennially ( once every 2 years)
WORLD SCOUT COMMITTEE WORLD SCOUT BUREAU It is the “Board of Directors” of World Scouting Composed of 12 scouters from 12 different countries, elected during the World Scout Conference to foresee Scouting operations in between Conferences. Those elected serve 6 years. WORLD SCOUT BUREAU It is the secretariat of World Scouting. Composed of professional staff that carries out the instructions of the World Scout Conference & World Scout Committee.
World Scout bureau is located in Geneva, Switzerland & has offices in its five Scouting regions: Asia-Pacific region Office in Makati, Philippines African region Office in Nigeria Arab region Office in Egypt Inter-America Region Office in Costa Rica Europe region Office in Geneva, Switzerland.
World Scout Bureau helps each National Scout Organizations improve & broaden Scouting in their country by conducting training courses, community development activities, preparing publications & assisting operations. It also serves as liaison between the world Organization & other international bodies. WSB operates through registration fees paid by member Scout Organizations, contributions & grant provided by agencies, corporations & individuals, including support from the World Scout Foundation.
NATIONAL SCOUT ORGANIZATION WORLD SCOUT CONFERENCE sends delegates to attend the WORLD SCOUT CONFERENCE “the General Assembly of National Scouting” which discusses matters participating to World Scouting & elects twelve members to the WORLD SCOUT COMMITTEE “the Board of Directors of World Scouting” Decides on Scouting matters between Conferences It also supervises the Operation of the WORLD SCOUT BUREAU “the Secretariat of World Scouting” It’s main office is in Geneva, Switzerland