ACCESS for ELLs Spring 2011 Data Validation for Score Reports Webinar Presented April 26, 2011 Glenda Harrell, NCDPI ESL/Title III Consultant Mark Hausner, NCDPI Technical Architect Ivanna Mann Thrower, NCDPI ESL/Title III Consultant Brian Swiger, NCDPI Operations Consultant
Session Objective Prepare LEAs to find and correct invalid student ACCESS for ELLs records before score reports are created by MetriTech 1. CDFC – Authoritative source for LEP data 2. ACCESS Discrepancy File in the LEP CFDC 3. MetriTech Data Validation web site 4. Distribute ACCESS for ELLs Score Reports
Data Validation Timeline May 2ACCESS Discrepancy Report posted in LEP CFDC May 3MetriTech ACCESS Demographic Data posted on web site May 3 – 11MetriTech Data Correction Window for LEAs May 11Data Correction Window closes at 12 Noon May 20ACCESS for ELLs Score Reports Shipped to LEAs May 20 – June 11 Report Corrections to Paper Reports to RAC
CFDC: Authoritative Source of LEP Data Review Creating a CFDC Account Logging-In
CFDC Your NCID is your user name and password for the CFDC sites. If you do not yet have an NCID account, contact your Delegated Administrator. The ESL consultants DO NOT have any control over NCID. Call for locked accounts and other help related issues.
CFDC Once you have your NCID, you need to connect your ID to the CFDC sites. Click here for instructions! Contact an ESL consultant to let them know you have requested access to the sites.
CFDC The CFDC has 3 main sites: LEP, W-APT and Immigrant. You can access the User Guide, Bulk Load File Layout and URL for each site here.
Using the CFDC ACCESS Discrepancy File How the CFDC works with the MetriTech File What DPI Does What the LEAs Do
Three Data Sets Must Match Accurate Student Score Report NC WISE Student Enrollment ACCESS for ELLs Spring 2011 Test Records in MetriTech File LEP Students In CFDC
Data Sets Merged Using: Date of Birth State Student ID/District Student ID LEA School NCWISE Student ID or Alternate First Name Last Name Gender
Accurate Score Reports Students that match in all three files. This should be the majority of the cases.
Student Records to Review SituationNext Steps Student ID or DOB IncorrectCorrect Student ID or DOB
Changes on MetriTech Site CircumstanceNext Steps Date of Birth IncorrectCorrect Date of Birth Name DifferentCorrect Date of Birth and/or State Student ID ID Number MisalignedCorrect State Student ID ID Matches to Incorrect RecordCorrect State Student ID
Student ID Numbers
What the LEAs Do LEP CFDC
If a student is on this list, go to the MetriTech site to fix the record!
Complete the MetriTech Data Validation Process Log In Change State Student ID Number and/or DOB
Log-In Information to Test Coordinators In an effort to ensure accurate demographic information is recorded for each student administered the ACCESS for ELLs® test, MetriTech, in conjunction with your state is providing an opportunity for you to review and/or update all demographic information recorded for your tested student population. This is an optional service. You may download your district's data, or update online.
Log-In Information (cont.) MetriTech will post the student records to our secure web page. To access this information please follow the steps below: 1. Access 2. Click on CLIENT AREA. 3. Select 'WIDA ACCESS for ELLs® Data Validation' from the list displayed. 4. Enter your District's Data Validation User Name and Password. User Name: NC000 Password: *******
Edit state student ID and date of birth ONLY!
Search for student by name or State ID number
Title III Status is not a field we update!
No private schools use ACCESS for ELLs in NC
Contact MetriTech for help
Contact your ESL Consultant at DPI! Not relevant
CFDC If a student’s LEP status is incorrect in the CFDC or a student needs to be removed, complete an RCR form following the directions here.
ACCESS for ELLs Score Reports Review Time Line Reports Shipped by MetriTech May 20, 2011
Data Validation Timeline May 2ACCESS Discrepancy Report posted in LEP CFDC May 3MetriTech ACCESS Demographic Data posted on web site May 3 – 11MetriTech Data Correction Window for LEAs May 11Data Correction Window closes at 12 Noon May 20ACCESS for ELLs Score Reports Shipped to LEAs May 20 – June 11 Report Corrections to Paper Reports to RAC
From MetriTech: Score Reports One copy of the District Frequency Report One copy of the School Frequency Distribution Report per school One copy of the Student Roster Report per school One copy of the Teacher Report for each student Grades 1-12 One copy of the Kindergarten Teacher Report for each K student One copy of the Parent/Guardian Report for each student
Sample Parent Letter Dear Parent or Guardian, This past winter, English Language Learner (ELL) students in grades kindergarten through twelfth grade participated in the administration of the ACCESS for ELLs® language proficiency test. ACCESS provides a standardized measurement of academic language proficiency for ELL students throughout the state of INSERT NAME OF YOUR STATE, and in other states. With this information, we will be able to monitor individual ELL student progress on an annual basis. Enclosed you will find your child’s results on ACCESS. The Parent/Guardian Report provides information about your child’s English Language Proficiency Level. This information is for you to review and keep. If you have any questions regarding this test or the information that is being sent to you about how your child performed on this test, please contact me, your child’s ELL teacher, or the school principal. Sincerely,
ACCESS for ELLs Score Reports Delivered to LEAs Send Parent Report with translated letter OR Send translated version of Parent Report
ACCESS for ELLs Score Reports Delivered to LEAs (cont.) Send duplicate Parent Reports for the same student to DPI ESL Office. LEP Coordinator should review the following rosters before forwarding: Student Roster, School Frequency Report, District Frequency Report