1 CSI Forum 2009 Cement Sector Technology Roadmap
2 IEA’s roadmap project Key technologies identified by ETP2008 Technological development requires co- operation Roadmaps considered valuable tools in emissions reductions actions IEA developing 17 technology roadmaps 1 industry roadmap: cement with the CSI
3 Technology roadmaps “A technology roadmap is a dynamic set of technical, policy, legal, financial, market & organizational requirements identified by all stakeholders involved in its development. The effort shall lead to improved and enhanced sharing and collaboration of all related technology-specific RDD&D information among participants. The goal is to accelerate the overall RDD&D process in order to deliver an earlier uptake of the specific energy technology into the marketplace”.
4 IEA roadmaps: complete set Supply side –CCS power generation –Coal – IGCC –Coal – USCSC –Nuclear III + IV –Solar – PV –Solar – CSP –Wind –Biomass – IGCC & co-combustion –Electricity networks –2nd generation biofuels Demand side –Energy efficiency in buildings –Energy efficient motor systems –Efficient ICEs –Heat pumps –Plug-ins and electric vehicles –Fuel cell vehicles –Industrial CCS –Solar heating –Efficient industry processes (starting with Cement)
CSI objectives Global recognition of potential of the sector –Expressing the willingness of the sector –Possibilities and impossibilities –No breakthrough technologies/products in view Identification of political barriers –Use of alternative fuels and cementitious materials –Availability of materials –Development of CCS (public funding) –Predictable, objective and stable CO 2 constraints –Enhance R&D Global approach needed –Versus regional approaches (USA, EU27) –Carbon leakage identified
Cement technology roadmap: process 38 technology papers (ES/ECRA/CSI) Cement demand data (IEA) Financing Policy Public acceptance CCS transport and storage Concrete CSI and IEA members review
7 Cement roadmap basis Based on 38 technology papers by ECRA IEA BLUE scenario: -50% global CO 2 emissions by 2050, implies -18% from cement ( ) All new plants at BAT between 2006 & 2020 Increase in alternative fuel use & clinker substitution CCS demonstration in cement kilns by 2015 with deployment from % of all new cement kilns to be equipped with CCS by 2050
8 Cement roadmap basis Four reduction levers identified: –Energy efficiency –Alternative fuel use –Clinker substitution –CCS Consistent with findings from CSI Sectoral Approach modeling work (2009), IEA (2008, 2009), McKinsey (2008)
9 Cement roadmap Introduction Technology overviews Roadmap timeline Regional detail Policy recommendations Financing needs and support Roadmap indicators
10 Cement roadmap Timeline: Outlines technology adoption and subsequent emissions reductions
11 Cement roadmap Regional milestones: regional indicators for technologies and regional production
12 Stakeholder input CSI members, Trade Associations, equipment suppliers IEA Committee on Energy Research and Technology: representatives from 28 IEA member countries + EC Other eg Columbia Uni, USGS, CEPS, ClimateWorks Foundation, Climate Change Capital
13 Roadmap messages Cement is a key material. Demand reduction / substitution is not an option Options today (BAT, alternative fuels and clinker substitutes) can yield insufficient savings … a breakthrough is needed –CO 2 capture and storage –New cement types Step increase in RD&D needed, very long term solution required
14 Roadmap messages Deep emission cuts are costly and capital intensive: need CO 2 incentive of $50-100/t rising to $200/t Credible long-term CO 2 reduction targets needed Carbon leakage needs to be addressed: sector wide approach should be considered
CCS is a critical technology for CO 2 emissions reduction in the sector Urgent need for CCS demonstration projects Capture technology development must be matched by transport and storage infrastructure development Potential for collaboration with power and other industry sectors Global price incentive is needed to make CCS viable Roadmap messages: CCS
Roadmap messages: policy 1.Promote adoption of best available technologies 2.Encourage and facilitate increased alternative fuel use 3.Encourage and facilitate increased clinker substitution 4.Facilitate development of CCS 5.Encourage policies for predictable, objective & stable CO2 constraints, & energy frameworks on an international level 6.Enhance R&D capabilities, skills, expertise & innovation 7.Encourage into collaboration and PPPs
17 CSI advocacy priorities Show that industry is being proactive and collaborative Catalyse R&D –ECRA CCS research work –Others on CCS –Initiate/Support R&D on new technologies Promote use of alternative fuels and cementitious materials
18 Discussion Value of roadmap for the industry in your country? Interest to oversee national-level policy- maker discussions in your country? Your position towards CCS? How to intensify non-CCS R&D?