Christchurch New Zealand October 2009 Integrating new technologies to empower learning and transform leadership A Taste of Moodle as a Primary School LMS Presenter: Stephen Gordon Sunnybrae Normal School
A Taste of Moodle as a Primary School LMS Sunnybrae – Our journey… so far! - LMS movement LMS options What is Moodle? Why Moodle? the Primary Level – First Year the Primary Level – Second Year the Primary Level – Future Developments!
A Taste of Moodle as a Primary School LMS – LMS Movement- Last year still in its infancy This year the LMS movement has gathered momentum, a developing expectation, preferred providers announced, LMS roadshow sessions, provider sessions
Source: Ministry of Education 2009 Roadshow: Managed Learning Environments Multiliteracies in The New Zealand Curriculum Multiliteracies is a dynamic, shifting set of literacy practices that learners need in order to to participate in and contribute to 21st century society. Teachers can build on what they know about effective literacy practice, leverage the experiences and strengths that students bring to the classroom, and explore new learning opportunities. Our vision is for young people who will be confident, connected, actively involved, lifelong learners.
LMS Resource Banks Web Mail Wiki Blog Library System eportfolio The LMS is connected to: resource banks; searching tools; web mail; e-portfolio tools; blogs; wikis; library systems; etc Slide adapted from: Source: Ministry of Education 2009 Roadshow: Managed Learning Environments
A Taste of Moodle as a Primary School LMS – LMS Options - Various options have been narrowed and preferred shortlist identified by the Ministry My Classes, Ultranet, KnowledgeNet, Moodle, Each LMS has some unique features but all share a similar underlying function … e-learning.
What is Moodle? Slide Image Source: uTube Moodle Presentation [Version 2.0, HD]
Creator: Martin Dougiamas, Perth, Western Australia 24.6 million registered users 2.3 million courses 1.9 million teachers 199 countries Available in 78 languages Largest site – 200,000 users Fast growing since 2003 world facts (September 2008) world facts (September 2008) Source: Slide Created by: Tomaz Lasic – Moodle Explained with LEGO
as a platform as a platform that comes with a great set of bricks. Imagine Imagine Everseen or played with? Source: Slide Created by: Tomaz Lasic – Moodle Explained with LEGO
Let’s imagine we can do four basic things with four basic colour bricks Communicate Store Evaluate Collaborate Source: Slide Created by: Tomaz Lasic – Moodle Explained with LEGO
Folders Files Links Webpage LMS package Database Labels Portfolio* We can store… Source: Slide Created by: Tomaz Lasic – Moodle Explained with LEGO
Messaging We can communicate through… Forums CalendarDialogue RSS Chatroom Source: Slide Created by: Tomaz Lasic – Moodle Explained with LEGO
Workshop We can collaborate through… Database Blog Glossary Wiki Lesson Forum Social network* Source: Slide Created by: Tomaz Lasic – Moodle Explained with LEGO
Survey Assignment Gradebook ChoiceQuizScales Grade Ratings We can evaluate with… Source: Slide Created by: Tomaz Lasic – Moodle Explained with LEGO
But we can get many other, compatible bricks too. Podcast ELGG Mahara Certificate Polls Timers Games Widgets Calculators these plus nearly 400 other compatible modules, plugins, blocks, filters, activities… Google Apps Individual Learning Plan LAMS OpenMeetings Translate HotPotatoes Source: Slide Created by: Tomaz Lasic – Moodle Explained with LEGO
A Taste of Moodle as a Primary School LMS Sunnybrae – Why Moodle? - Other LMS options being used in the cluster KiwiSchools – option Moodle as a low cost LMS. Low cost hosting LMS balanced vs ease of use/professional development costs – Managing the PIT!
Sunnybrae the Primary Level Year 1 – Starting to crawl! Work with management to establish the template and the look of the different syndicate zone. Syndicate and teachers starting upload resources – files and weblinks for integrated units. Official Launch of LMS and e-learning! Online ICT Survey – benchmark data GATE writers – central portal for wiki work Final Year of ICT PD contract! (Teacher Inquiry and Personal Goals - Class Blogs
Sunnybrae the Primary Level Year 2 – First wobbly steps! How to sustain the momentum? Link with teacher goal setting/appraisal Sabbatical – see the developments areas to target, central portal for students resources, ePortfolio developments After school drop in sessions trouble-shooting – just in time support. CRT – eLearning opportunities, links, modelling, ePortfolio work Online Student Survey – monitor use e-Learning Expo to share developments and progress thus far! Moodle Reference Group
Sunnybrae the Primary Level Future Developments! Explore more Moodle features! Moodle Reference Group – have your input! Moodle for New Zealand Schools
Sunnybrae References/ Moodle Links moodles/ moodles/
Contact Details: Stephen Gordon Sunnybrae Normal School Integrating new technologies to empower learning and transform leadership