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Drawing outside the line Image: Te Tuhi pre-visit lesson 2
Welcome to drawing outside the line During this lesson we will be exploring… New ways of drawing Image: But before we start, let’s recap what we learnt in our last lesson.
In our last lesson we learnt that “drawing”… can be simply making a mark on a surface. has been around for centuries, from cave drawings through to computer drawings can be made differently and be of different sizes. From stamp size to room size helps capture our thoughts and the world around us.
Lets start this lesson by exploring “New ways of drawing”. Image:
Drawing has come along way since caveman drawings. From pencil and felt drawings to large scale drawings. But are there new ways of drawing? And what are today’s artists using to create their drawings?
Image: Artists today are creating drawings that jump of the wall or page, creating drawings that travel above, under and around us. This style of drawing is called spatial drawing or simply 3D drawing. Drawing this way means we can feel like we are part of a drawing rather than just standing and viewing a drawing on a wall. Artists use all kinds of materials to create their drawing. In this spatial drawing artist Monika Grzymala stretches tape and attaches it to different parts of the room, helping create a visual and physical experience. Spatial drawing / 3D drawing
Image: Artists are thinking about how drawing can interact with the space around them. Some artists draw directly on the wall to help create an illusion in their drawing. This kind drawing is sometimes called optical illusion drawing. Optical illusion drawing Optical illusion drawing can be a challenging way to draw. This is because the optical illusion drawing can only be viewed properly by one angle. The optical illusion will not work from any other angle and so the artist has to be accurate when drawing. Chalk artist Julian Beever knows how tricky optical illusion drawing can be. But he has mastered this technique drawing places so well, they appear real.
Image: Land drawing The land is full of colour, shape and texture and for an artist, it can be a great way to explore ‘land drawing’. Artist Robert Smithson created a spiral drawing made from dirt and rock, linking the land with the water. As the seasons change so does the appearance of the drawing. Land drawings are enormous in scale and are made by moving and shifting the natural environment to show a drawing. Artists will use a range of things to create their drawings, from large bulldozers and tractors to drift wood found on the beach. With drawings created at such a large scale, seeing it from above is the best way to enjoy a land drawing.
Over the years many artists have used technology to create their drawings… Let’s take a look at how some artists are using technology to explore new ways of drawing…
Image: Using light is a great way to create a drawing. An artist will use light like a pencil or pen and begin to draw in the air front of them. They would always use a camera to help capture their drawing, allowing us to see what there drawing looked like. Light drawings date back as far as Many artists enjoy making light drawings, even famous artist Pablo Picasso. Artist Pablo Picasso uses light to draw a vase of flowers. Light drawing
Image: Machine drawing Many artists today make their art using technology. Some make art this way to express how much technology is now part of our lives. NZ artist Simon Ingram uses technology or machines to make painted drawings. In this case a ‘machine drawing’. A drawing is created on a remote, it is then sent to a machine holding the paint brush. The machine copies the drawing exactly, from the remote to the canvas. Electronic artist Rafael Lozano-Hemmer uses a range of complicated technologies In his work ‘Seismoscopes’ Rafael made a machine that draws when it senses vibrations around it – such as when stomping or jumping. When the machine senses no vibrations, the machine will stop drawing. The machine has been programmed to draw a portrait of the same philosopher Abu Hamid Muhammad. With each day a new drawing is made and pinned to the wall. To see a video recording of this machine in action simply click here:
Image: Sonic drawing Some artists prefer to use technology differently. Like NZ sonic artist James McCarthy. James would use piano wire as if using a pencil to draw his picture. He would stretch different threads of piano wire across a wall to create his ‘sonic drawing’. For James drawing his picture wasn’t the end. He would now play the drawing in front of an audience as if he were playing a piano or guitar. To create a sonic drawing hearing the sound the drawing makes is equally important as how it looks or appears.
Drawing has changed so much with technology, I wonder what drawing will look like in 30 years time? What do you think drawing will look like in the future?
Let’s recap on what we have learnt so far… As we have seen, drawing can include a range of materials and different ways of making…
What have we learnt so far? Today’s artists are… constructing spatial drawings that we can walk under, over and around. building land drawings using the colour, shape and texture of the land as inspiration. using technology to create drawings that make us think about the technology we use. creating optical illusion drawings to interact with the public and surrounding environment. interested in how a drawing sounds and looks.
In the next lesson we will explore “Drawing Identity”. End of lesson