+ Our Student Today: Access, Equity, and Challenges Kevin Bontenbal - Cuesta College Dolores Davison - Foothill College Marcy Drummond - LA Trade Tech Richard Mahon - Riverside City College Lisa Romano - San Francisco City College Karolyn van Putton - Laney College ASCCC Fall 2010 Plenary - Anaheim
+ Our Student Today: Access, Equity, and Challenges 13.07, S10Changes in Traditional Student Makeup Whereas, Deep state budget cuts in education have necessitated many community colleges to cut their budgets in waves of 2%, 4%, and even 6%, which has often resulted in a comparable reduction in course sections offered; Whereas, Both the [UC] and the [CSU] systems have also had reductions in their budgets, causing them to raise entrance requirements and reduce enrollment, which has displaced many of their traditional students, who have since sought enrollment in the community colleges; and Whereas, The course section cuts and influx of new non-traditional students have displaced many of the historically underserved community college students who often register late for classes, thus changing the makeup of our student populations; Resolved, That [we] research how the state budget cuts have changed the makeup of our student populations and the impact that future cuts to education will have; Resolved, That [we] discuss with [our] educational partners ways in which all educational segments can seek to support those historically underserved students who have been displaced by budget cuts; and Resolved, That [we] disseminate the results of [our] research and discussions and publish a Rostrum article on [our] findings. ASCCC Fall 2010 Plenary - Anaheim
+ Our Student Today: Access, Equity, and Challenges Three new reports on our students and their needs: Patrick Perry’s data: student_enrollment_Sept_2010_BOG.pdf Nancy Shulock: “Divided We Fail: Improving Completion and Closing Racial Gaps in California’s Community Colleges” (IHELP, October 2010) EdSource: “Something’s Got to Give” (October 2010, a summary/reflection on “Course-taking patterns, policies, and practices in developmental education in the California Community Colleges,” June 2010 but just released) ASCCC Fall 2010 Plenary - Anaheim
+ Our Student Today: Access, Equity, and Challenges The CCC system lost 140,000 students between and There were 133,000 fewer first time students. The student population took on more traditional characteristics: Greater percentage age 18 24; fewer older and K 12 students Greater percentage of “degree seeking” students. Higher unit loads carried for those that enrolled. Those with enrollment priority were more able to get courses (continuing students); there was a sharp decline in the percentage of first time students The CCC system offered 9% fewer course sections than the prior year (38,000 fewer courses). Course size is at an all time high and for the first time went over 30 students per section (31). Even with fewer students and course sections available, the CCC system shed little FTES in (only noncredit FTES showed decline). Distance ed, basic skills, credit and transferrable course sections were targeted the least for cuts; vocational, non transferrable, evening, and noncredit sections were targeted the most. ASCCC Fall 2010 Plenary - Anaheim
+ Our Student Today: Access, Equity, and Challenges Nancy Shulock - Divided We Fail… California needs more college graduates, and from more diverse students Underrepresented students are increasingly choosing University of Phoenix (is that a problem?) Some colleges do (much!) better than others with underrepresented students A local focus on milestones can help students along the path (2 nd term persistence; 2 nd year persistence; achieving 12+ credits; 30+ credits; certificate completion & more ASCCC Fall 2010 Plenary - Anaheim
+ Our Student Today: Access, Equity, and Challenges EdSource: “Something’s Got to Give” (24 manageable pages) Summarizes & expands on “Course-taking…” ( appendix pages): CCC cohort research; very detailed observations about course-taking patterns & student success review of California and other basic skills initiatives over past 10 years Review of foundation initiatives; Review of major initiatives in other states; Critical-of-pay for performance Ultimately focused on need to accelerate remediation if CCCs are not to (continue to) lose tens of thousands of students, especially under- represented students - - very much worth the time to read ASCCC Fall 2010 Plenary - Anaheim
+ Our Student Today: Access, Equity, and Challenges Key Studies Employing Transcript Analysis to Examine Student Demographics, Academic Behaviors, and Success Clifford Adelman - Answers in the Tool Box and The Tool Box Revisited (National Study of All Post Secondary Students) Clifford Adelman – Moving Into Town – And Moving On (National Study of Community College Students) Linda Hagedorn, et. al. – Transfer and Retention of Urban Community College Students (TRUCCS) Initiative (Regional Study of Los Angeles Community College District Students) ASCCC Fall 2010 Plenary - Anaheim
+ Our Student Today: Access, Equity, and Challenges Counseling and associated issues ASCCC Fall 2010 Plenary - Anaheim
+ Our Students Today: Access, Equity, and Challenges Brain function/attention, social/interpersonal factors What we “know”(about): Learning preferences (style?) Task efficiency and effectiveness Job market futures & preparation The Internet The world/Our society What we “need” Different ways of teaching Critical thinking & problem solving skills An intense focus on education, specifically, learning how to learn ASCCC Fall 2010 Plenary - Anaheim
+ Our Student Today: Access, Equity, and Challenges Changing characteristics in online students The LAO report on Distance Education Trends and patterns in enrollments, success rates, and equity Challenges for online students ASCCC Fall 2010 Plenary - Anaheim
+ Our Student Today: Access, Equity, and Challenges ASCCC Fall 2010 Plenary - Anaheim Thank You! Questions/Comments?