EDUC 200 Final Project By Laura Robles University of Southern California
Topics Covered Weemes Elementary School Weemes Elementary School School description School description Available technology Available technology Three Sample Lesson Plans Three Sample Lesson Plans Justification (frameworks & standards) Justification (frameworks & standards) Description of supporting technology Description of supporting technology Reference to Educational Research Reference to Educational Research Appendix Appendix Project feedback Project feedback
Weemes Elementary School Observation #2 and #3: 1260 West 36 th Place 1260 West 36 th Place Los Angeles, CA Los Angeles, CA Phone (323) Phone (323) Grade 3 Mr. Umanos Grade 3 Mr. Umanos
School Description Type of School Elementary Grade Levels K-5 Year around calendar Yes Population Status Large City Total enrollment 1,672
Available Technology Available Technology in Classroom Computers Computers Television Television VCR VCR Stereo Stereo Computers362 Students per computer 4.6 Computers with internet 66
Lesson Plan #1 Grade 3 Standard: 3.3 Determine what characters are like by what they say or do and by how the author or illustrator portrays them. Objective: Students should be able to distinguish characters, plots, and setting of a story and be able to create their own characters in a story.
Description of Lesson Plan #1 Motivation: Tell students that they will be working in groups and will be using their imagination. In groups students will develop a short story about an animal they choose. Input of Information: Using three sheets of paper, the groups will illustrate their story through the illustration of the setting and animal in their story. Explain that each sheet represents the beginning, middle, and ending of the story. Explain what a setting, character, and plot is. Give an example of what they should be doing. (i.e.- have a sample story to show them.)
Checking Comprehension: After reading the example short story with them ask what was the setting, character, and plot? Structured Practice: Have students begin creating their story. Tell students to pick who will be in charge of drawing the pictures, writing the story they all come up with, and who will read the story out loud.
Guided Practice: Have one member of the group go online and research information on their animal (have them share the information with their group). Purpose is to see if their story is fiction or nonfiction. (i.e-if their story is about a flying turtle then it is fiction, if their story is about a turtle’s adventure in the sea then it is fiction.) Closure: Groups will go up in front of the class and tell their story while showing their drawings. Classmates will be asked what was the character, setting, and plot? If the story was fiction or non- fiction? Post stories around the room. Assessment: For HW have students write their own short story with a picture.
Lesson Plan #2 Grade 3 Standard: 1.7Capitalization Capitalize geographical names, holidays, historical periods, special events, people’s names, and months correctly. Objective: Students should be able to write sentences with proper capitalization.
Description of Lesson Plan #2 Motivation: Today we will learn capitalization in order to become better writers and write legible stories in the future. Input information: Explain why capitalization is important. Explain what things should be capitalized (write it on board) first letter in the beginning of a sentence, names of people and places, dates, name of months, etc.
Checking comprehension: Write about five simple sentences on the board. Ask students to tell you what should be capitalized. Student who raises their hand should be able to explain why as well. Structured practice: Pass out handout sheet with sentences with out capitalization and have students write down the correct sentence underneath.
Guided Practice: Using an overhead, show a small paragraph with no capitalization and read it out loud. Ask kids what should be capitalize and change correction with a red pen. Closure: Erase what should be capitalize that was on the board and ask kids what things should be capitalized? Assessment: For HW have kids rewrite a paragraph with no capitalization that will be handed out.
Lesson Plan #3 Grade 3 Standard: 2.3 Make descriptive presentations that use concrete sensory details to set forth and support unified impressions of people, places, things, or experiences. Objective: Students should be able to describe a certain situation in a clear and descriptive manner with appropriate tone and language
Description of Lesson Plan #3 Motivation: Ask students to remember a time and place where they had a lot of fun. Such as a certain holiday or family vacation. Input Information: Teacher will share a favorite memory of childhood such as the fourth of July. Be detailed and descriptive so that students can hear what a descriptive story should be like when they speak to someone.
Checking comprehension: Ask some students to share some memorable moments. After they are done ask them questions such as how old where they, or who else was there? Have class ask question to. Structured practice: Have kids write down their favorite memory in their journal, making sure they include as many details as they can. They must include descriptive details of the place, time, characters, and why the experience was memorable.
Guided Practice: Share another story with the students and tell it twice. Once using no tone or enthusiasm where needed. The second time say it so that the story is interesting and intriguing. Ask students what the difference was? What made it different? Explain that when telling a story you not only need to be clear and detailed but also add emotion in the was you tell a story. Closure: Have kids volunteer to go up and share their favorite memory with their classmates and try to use proper tone when necessary. Assessment: For hw have kids go home and share their story with their families so that they practice telling a story with enthusiasm.
Supporting Technology Computer with internet connection Computer with internet connection Overhead projector Overhead projector
Emotional Response These lessons are both fun and interactive for the students. They learn the material as well as learn with each other. These lessons are both fun and interactive for the students. They learn the material as well as learn with each other. These lessons are challenging in the they allow kids to think on their own and share with their classmates. These lessons are challenging in the they allow kids to think on their own and share with their classmates.
Educational Research California curriculum California curriculum California curriculum California curriculum
Project Feedback “it is very pretty. Nice colors. Very organized and I like the layout” – Danielle “it is very pretty. Nice colors. Very organized and I like the layout” – Danielle “The layout is very eye catching and your lessons are fun. Good job” – Maritza “The layout is very eye catching and your lessons are fun. Good job” – Maritza “Very clean, nice color scheme and overall nice project” - Jason “Very clean, nice color scheme and overall nice project” - Jason