Brazil By Cai Williams
There are 7 Continents in the world
Brazil is in South America
Interesting Facts They don’t speak English they speak Portuguese. The name Brazil comes from a tree named BRAZILWOOD. The capital city is Brasilia, while the largest city is Sao Paulo. Sao Paulo has a big train station. The weather in Brazil is tropical. (Hot and Sunny) Football is the most popular sport in Brazil There are over ONE THOUSAND train stations in Brazil most are not for passengers they are Freight trains
Brazil Train Line The train line runs through Brazil going through- tunnels, mountains, rivers,
Pictures of Freight trains Freight train going around the mountains in Brazil Freight trains have one engine and a chain of train carriages which carry cargo Cargo is food, clothes, – anything but no people
Speed train A Speed train takes people around Brazil
Sau Paulo Train Station This is the train station in the largest City in Brazil
Passenger Trains The train travels through the Brazil Jungle
Brazil Flag