Overview of existing ROMATSA ATM system and plans for the future


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Presentation transcript:

Overview of existing ROMATSA ATM system and plans for the future

Summary Core activities Facts and figures Strategic axes Operational concept Strategic Action Lines ATM - main objectives CNS - main objectives Communication Systems Modernization Navigation Systems Modernization Survellaince Systems Modernization September 24, 2012 ROMATSA Presentation KISHINEV

Provision of ANS for the Romanian Airspace: Air Traffic Services Units Core activities Provision of ANS for the Romanian Airspace: Air Traffic Services Communication, Navigation and Surveillance MET services Aeronautical Information Services Civil Military Coordination Search & Rescue Coordination Center Air Traffic Services Units 4 AROs / 16 TWRs 3 APPs 1 ACC AIS / MET Services MET Offices; 13 MET Self Briefing Offices; 1 MET Watch Center 4 ARO/BRIEFING Offices September 24, 2012 ROMATSA Presentation KISHINEV

Evolution of the en-route unit rate 2007– 2011 Facts and figures Evolution of the en-route unit rate 2007– 2011 September 24, 2012 ROMATSA Presentation KISHINEV 4

Evolution of the en-route chargeable service units 2007– 2011 Facts and figures Evolution of the en-route chargeable service units 2007– 2011 Traffic in Romania increased by 3.96% during Summer 2011 (May to October), when compared to Summer 2009 September 24, 2012 ROMATSA Presentation KISHINEV

Facts and figures Evolution of the en-route chargeable service units btwn 2008-2011 compared to 2007 September 24, 2012 ROMATSA Presentation KISHINEV

STATFOR traffic forecast Romania - Annual IFR Movements 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 600,000 700,000 800,000 2006 A 2007 A 2008 A 2009 A 2010 A 2011 F 2012 F 2013 F 2014 F 2015 F IFR flights IFR movements - Actuals IFR movements - Baseline forecast IFR movements - High forecast IFR movements - Low forecast for 2011 – 2015 Annual growth 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 AAGR 2016/ H 2.6% 5.5% 7.3% 7% 6.6% 5.9% B o.4% -1.9% 0.1% -3.3% 9.0% 1.5% 4.2% 5.3% 5.4% 5.2% 4.5% L 0.5% 3.1% 4.4% 4.3% 3.5% September 24, 2012 ROMATSA Presentation KISHINEV

Strategic axes September 24, 2012 ROMATSA Presentation KISHINEV Services provision in a smooth, safe and efficient manner Modernization of the ATM system as per SES requirements on systems interoperability (i.e. IP1 Deployment) Improvement of the air navigation services performance supporting the EU performance targets Ensure the establishment of DANUBE by December 4, 2012 September 24, 2012 ROMATSA Presentation KISHINEV

Operational Concept 1 ACC in BUCHAREST ATC Center Transfer of en-route activity from CONSTANTA ATC Center to BUCHAREST ATC Center (finalized 2010) Transfer of en-route activity from ARAD ATC Center to BUCHAREST ATC Center (2012) Establish CONSTANTA Terminal control area and APP CONSTANTA Traffic Unit - (finalized 2010) Establish ARAD Terminal control area and APP ARAD Traffic Unit - (finalized Mar. 2012) September 24, 2012 ROMATSA Presentation KISHINEV 9

Operational Concept Redesign and equip APP in BUCHAREST ATC Center for the necessary infrastructure - (finalized Apr. 2012) APP CLUJ in BUCHAREST ATC Center - (2013) FIC upgrade in FIR/ Bucharest ATC Center

Operational Concept Provision of means and procedures for special situations to facilitate the transfer of the entire en-route activity to ACC Bucharest Establishment of CR1 (Contingency Room) in Bucharest TDS Room Establishment of CR2 by agreement with MoD For the provision…. September 24, 2012 ROMATSA Presentation KISHINEV 11

Operational Concept 16 TWRs 3 APPs 1 ACC in 2 ATC centers 4 ARO/BRIEFING offices Aeronautical MET Services: 16 MET offices 13 MET Self Briefing offices 1 MET Watch Center

Strategic action lines Strategic action lines Single European Sky & DANUBE FAB Single European Sky & DANUBE FAB Performance of the provision of the air navigation services Organization and flexible use of the airspace Pro-active cooperation in ANS domain Interoperability Programul Cer European Unic Programul Romatsa pentru implementarea Cerului European Unic are ca obiect îndeplinirea următoarelor cerinţe: Performanta furnizării serviciilor de navigaţie aeriană: implementarea cerinţelor comune pentru furnizarea sigură, eficientă şi continuă a serviciilor de navigaţie aeriană pentru traficul aerian general, pentru a contribui la dezvoltarea durabilă a sistemului transportului aerian şi la îmbunătăţirea performanţei sale generale, prin asigurarea îndeplinirii cerinţelor tuturor utilizatorilor spaţiului aerian; Organizarea şi utilizarea spaţiului aerian: sprijinirea conceptului unui spaţiu aerian operativ din ce în ce mai integrat în contextul politicii comune a transporturilor şi al unor proceduri comune de proiectare, planificare şi management care să asigure un management al traficului aerian sigur şi eficient; Interoperabilitatea: realizarea interoperabilităţii la nivelul sistemelor, componentelor şi procedurilor asociate, pe baza regulilor internaţionale relevante. Cooperarea pro-activă în domeniul ANS la nivelul reţelei de furnizori de servicii de navigaţie europeni şi între blocurile funcţionale de spaţiu aerian. OBJECTIVES September 24, 2012 ROMATSA Presentation KISHINEV 13

Strategic action lines Phase 1 – Definition Estimated Time: End 2012 Develop operational - technical - safety and functional specifications of ROMATSA 2015+ ATM SYSTEM Prepare and launch a tender to replace the current system Approval of the tender documentation and specifications. Open tender Phase 2 – Development Estimated Time: End 2013 Development of ATM system – software and hardware System Interface Development Verification, validation, testing Systems Integration Implementation of management plans Operational and technical documentation Phase 3 – Transfer into operations Estimated Time: December 2014 FAT activities, system installation and SAT Transfer plan: technical and operational preparation and safety assessment Formal authorization for putting into service Operational transfer (shadow, trials, contingency) ATM – Main objectives ATM – main objectives ATM2015+ According to: Interoperability of the ATM ROMATSA System ROMATSA 2015+ ATM System September 24, 2012 ROMATSA Presentation KISHINEV

LRBBCTA - Capacity profile and demand Strategic action lines Capacity LRBBCTA - Capacity profile and demand 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 2011-2015 Reference Capacity Profile 183 Demand / Shortest Routes - Peak 3 106 113 126 133 141 Demand / Current Routes - Peak 3 108 115 121 127 135 142 Demand / Shortest Routes - Peak 1 119 149 156 Capacity Baseline 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 NO PROBLEMS ARE FORESEEN FOR ACC BUCHAREST September 24, 2012 ROMATSA Presentation KISHINEV

“Save one minute” initiative “DIRECT TO” September 24, 2012 ROMATSA Presentation KISHINEV 16

“Save one minute” initiative “Direct to“ – Estimated Savings Daily total savings (estimated) No of flights Distance Time Fuel quantity CO2 469 216 NM 29 min. 71695 Kg 225840 Kg Yearly average savings (estimated) No of flights Distance Time Fuel quantity CO2 168840 77760 NM 174 hours 7 days 6 h 25.8 mil. Kg 81.3 mil. Kg September 24, 2012 ROMATSA Presentation KISHINEV 17

Strategic action lines CNS – main objectives COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS MODERNIZATION ground-air-ground communications ground-to-ground communications As of February 2015, the modernized ground-air-ground communication infrastructure will allow the use of the data-link services (CPDLC) on route and in the terminal areas based on VDL mode 2 protocol in accordance with the operational requirements and specifications developed in this respect DATA LINK PROJECT Elaboration of operational concept Elaboration of operational, technical and safety requirements Fast-time and real-time simulations Elaboration of technical project Safety analysis Staff training Integration and putting into service of system September 24, 2012 ROMATSA Presentation KISHINEV 18

Strategic action lines Strategic action lines CNS – main objectives Strategic action lines CNS – main objectives CNS – main objectives CNS – main objectives Communication systems modernization ground-air-ground communications by 2015 a new modernization stage, started in 2010, for the ROMATSA Comm. Network (STcR) will be finalized The ROMATSA Comm. Network Project (STcR) started in 2000, in order to Enable full compliant ATM services over a multiservice converged network which integrates voice (including VoIP) and data communications, securely and reliably Easily manage communications network: one network instead of multiple separate networks one technology instead of multiple technologies Dramatically cutting costs and enhance flexibility and manageability of communications services September 24, 2012 ROMATSA Presentation KISHINEV 19

Strategic action lines CNS – main objectives Communication systems modernization ground-air-ground communications The STcR: Was Carefully designed and tested together with awarded high quality solution providers (Cisco Gold Partner) Is a Mature (in terms of proven performances and safety) network technologies and equipments used Continuously monitored and enhanced for better performance and higher safety in operation by 2015 the VCSS in the Bucharest ATC Center will be modernized to support VoIP By 2015 new VHF equipments will be installed in all en-route sites to support VoIP

Strategic action lines CNS – main objectives IP core network transporting data and voice is supported by ccommunication services leased from 2 national carriers and the 3rd one will be operational in 2013 Main IP network nodes are connected in mesh topology, using 2Mbps links, in order to improve redundancy September 24, 2012 ROMATSA Presentation KISHINEV 21

Strategic action lines CNS – main objectives Backbone Core level New modernization stage of STcR creates: Two level for communication process: Backbone level: routers for WAN level data exchange between the main network nodes. Access level: routers for data exchange between the backbone and the final users voice, RADAR, DPS, AFTN, LAN, MET and others. Higher flexibility in order to: Increase internal data processing capacity Improve availability, safety and security by reducing the number of tasks/router. Less task unavailable in case of router failure. Simple maintenance procedures. Increase flexibility to add new dedicated functionalities regarding security and monitoring for backbone routers, like: intrusion detection, network traffic analysis, Firewall. Access level September 24, 2012 ROMATSA Presentation KISHINEV 22

Strategic action lines CNS – main objectives Communication systems modernization ground-air-ground communications ATC Ground-Ground leased lines for ACC Bucharest CDZ Bucharest: 1 MFC analog - Lviv (BACAU and NAPOC sectors) 1xE1 link Sofia (MFC, Radar, OLDI, AFTN, others) 1 Sofia + 1 Varna (old analog line) 1 Budapest (old analog line) 1x64kbps (modem) Odessa OLDI 1x64kbps Chisinau Radar data (via Bacau) CDZ Constanta: 1 MFC analog - Chisinau (BACAU and DINSI sectors) 1 MFC analog - Odessa (DINSI sector) 1 MFC analog - Simferopol (DINSI sector) 1xE1 link Varna (MFC, Radar, OLDI, AFTN, others) CDZ Arad: 1 MFC analog Belgrad 1xE1 link Budapest: 2 MFC (2x64kbp channels), OLDI and Radar September 24, 2012 ROMATSA Presentation KISHINEV 23

Strategic action lines CNS – main objectives Communication systems modernization ground-air-ground communications ROMATSA PROPOSALS for International voice & datalinks between ROMATSA, MoldATSA and UkSATSE in order to improve support for MFC, AFTN, OLDI and radar data exchange: Installation of the main and back-up digital circuits (2Mbps or nx64kbps circuits) between ANSPs and ROMATSA Establish necessary communication equipment (other than that provided by the telecom company) to implement new digital circuits and links between ACCs. Digital circuits cost analysis LoA amendments to include digital circuits support for voice and data (OLDI, and radar) Analysis of the possibility to use existent digital infrastructure with common neighbors (Hungary, Slovakia, Bulgaria) as back-up for the new digital lines. September 24, 2012 ROMATSA Presentation KISHINEV 24

ROMATSA SAR COMMUNICATION ARHITECTURE SAR – Search and rescue SAR – Search and rescue Communication Communication ROMATSA SAR COMMUNICATION ARHITECTURE September 24, 2012 ROMATSA Presentation KISHINEV 25

SAR – Search and rescue IT ROMATSA SAR IT ARHITECTURE September 24, 2012 ROMATSA Presentation KISHINEV 26

Strategic action lines CNS – main objectives NAVIGATION SYSTEMS MODERNIZATION RNAV Infrastructure development for PBN (DVOR/DME): ROMATSA has implemented appropriate terrestrial navigation infrastructure to support en-route and TMA RNAV operations. In order to improve DME-DME coverage: in the center of Romania (Cluj TMA), 4 new en-route DME systems were installed in 2011. in the Eastern part of Romania, 2 new en-route DME systems are planned to be installed in 2012 and 2013 in Iasi and Bacau. In order to maintain availability of existing VOR/DME systems ROMATSA planned to replace: By 2013, last 2 CVOR/DME systems with new DVOR/DME systems By 2015, 9 old DVOR/DME with new DVOR/DME systems September 24, 2012 ROMATSA Presentation KISHINEV 27

Strategic action lines CNS – main objectives NAVIGATION SYSTEMS MODERNIZATION In 2011 ROMATSA and BULATSA has signed an agreement on shared use of radio navigation aids for area navigation between Romania and Bulgaria. Future development of the Romanian en-route NAV infrastructure will be designed at DANUBE FAB level. In order to rationalize NAV aids infrastructure for PBN, ROMATSA: Planned for withdraw all NDBs for en-route, by 2013 Replaced in 2011, 20 NDBs for terminal navigation services. The NDB systems were replaced in order to maintain non-precision back-up procedures for approach and landing. 4 old NDB systems for terminal navigation services will be withdrawn in 2013. September 24, 2012 ROMATSA Presentation KISHINEV 28

Strategic action lines CNS – main objectives NAVIGATION SYSTEMS MODERNIZATION September 24, 2012 ROMATSA Presentation KISHINEV 29

Strategic action lines Strategic action lines CNS – main objectives CNS – main objectives SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM MODERNIZATION - Schedule Modernization of Mode S – radar sensors MSSR Bucharest 2012 Putting into service WAM TRANSYLVANIA (Sibiu, Tg. Mureş) Modernization of Mode S – radar sensors MSSR Arad and Constanta Putting into service A-SMGCS system Bucharest Otopeni 2013 Replacement of PSR/MSSR TMA Bucharest 2015 -2016 Modernization of Mode S – radar sensors MSSR Cluj 2014 -2015 Extension WAM MOLDOVA 2014-2015 Putting into service ADS – B pilot system in FIR BUCHAREST 2016 September 24, 2012 ROMATSA Presentation KISHINEV 30

Strategic action lines CNS – main objectives SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM MODERNIZATION A-SMGCS system at Otopeni TWR Mode S radars sensors - installed Improve radar coverage – multilateration - installed Optimize the protection of radar data supplied by civil and military radar sensors in civil and military coordination systems Improve the surveillance service using ADS-B type solutions September 24, 2012 ROMATSA Presentation KISHINEV 31

Strategic action lines CNS – main objectives Surveillance system - infrastructure ROMATSA has 8 radars: 3 MSSR Mode S Radars 4 MSSR Mode A/C Radars 1 PSR/MSSR Mode A/C Radar Bucharest Constanta Arad The three radars became operational in 2012 Buciumeni – 1994 Topolog - 1994 Bacau - 2000 Cluj - 2000 Otopeni – 1994/2000 September 24, 2012 ROMATSA Presentation KISHINEV 32

Strategic action lines CNS – main objectives Surveillance system - infrastructure ROMATSA also installed a Wide Area Multilateration System (WAM TRANSYLVANIA) which became operational from 2012 WAM system provides radar coverage for the new Cluj TMA which is located in central part of Romania between the Carpathian Mountains. Difficult terrain and layout of Cluj, Târgu Mureş and Sibiu airports, situated in the lowlands between hills, necessitated the adoption of a multilateration solution to ensure operational requirements at very low altitudes, practically from the runway level. September 24, 2012 ROMATSA Presentation KISHINEV 33

New CLUJ TMA September 24, 2012 ROMATSA Presentation KISHINEV 34

WAM COVERAGE at FL 100 for CLUJ TMA September 24, 2012 ROMATSA Presentation KISHINEV 35

RADAR DATA SHARING To fulfill the multiple radar coverage requirements in order to ensure 5 NM separation, ROMATSA concluded bilateral agreements to exchange radar data with: SERBIA – LOA 2012 HUNGARY – LOA 2010 MOLDOVA - LOA 2005 BULGARIA – LOA 2005 and Romanian Air Force – LOA 2007 September 24, 2012 ROMATSA Presentation KISHINEV 36

www.romatsa.ro September 24, 2012 ROMATSA Presentation KISHINEV 37