A fresh biblical and transformational approach
A journey from past to present Streams of influence New horizons A change of heart Possession of soul Conformity to Christ Image of God Partnering with God for the redemptive healing of souls Personal Transformation Purpose
Person of the client Problems of the client Person of the counselor Process Power Prescriptive Plan Peace Factors Affecting Personal Transformation
Who is man? Psalm 139, Genesis 1-2 Understanding the complex interplay of elements affecting the nature of man Person of the Client
Personal path to brokenness Personal choices regarding patterns of behavior Problems of the Client
Professional / pastoral / priest (community of care) Counselor as conduit for the character and heart of God Person of the Counselor
Founded on grace and Truth Facilitated by assessment across human nature modalities Requiring adaptation, assessment of firing order, bridging Process
Counselor attention to his/ her internal life (You can’t give what you don’t have) Partnering with Holy Spirit Utilizing the Word of God in a relevant manner/ grace Keeping persons in accountable and encouraging relationships/ Church Power
Programmatic plan for change leading to transformation (p1-p4 diagram) Eliciting the present narrative Forming collaboratively a preferred future Developing collaboratively a best fit strategy for change Placing the person inside of a biblical community for accountability and encouragement Prescriptive Plan
God of peace Ephesians 5:1 – Sanctified through and through Greatest Commandment—Love God, Love Others Philippians 4:9-10 Colossians 1 Spiritual congruence factor Peace