Marketing with Radio & Digital in 2014 Cumulus Media Salt Lake City reaches nearly two million website visitors every month with innovative, exclusive content on multiple digital platforms. Our digital solutions have been custom designed with our clients. We are confident they can work for you as a compliment to your on-air schedule, or on their own. What’s popular on our websites? Listen Live Online Players Prizes & Contests Show Blogs & Content Event Calendars & Guides Concert News, Photos & Videos Entertainment News
Our online visitors generally mirror the demographic of our on-air listener. Below is our average monthly reach. The Reach of our Digital Assets If the answer is “yes,” then you’ll be excited to see the depth and reach our online channels. Our digital assets reach consumers on our websites, Facebook, Twitter, , Text Message, Video and more.
Opportunity: Web Display Advertisements Leaderboard and cube ads are our most popular ad units. It ensures your message will rotate throughout our websites, on all pages, including the homepage. Display ads. Encourage visitors to click on them to visit your website or social media page. Our creative team can custom create your advertisements at no additional charge. Cost: $500 per month. When to use web display ads: Gain traffic to your website Promote your Facebook / Twitter Show off new video commerical Offer special incentive “The creative your team came up with was spot on, it really matched our brand. Your site was the #1 referrer of traffic to our website for the month – more than direct traffic or Google.” MRT Jewelers Web Designer, May 2012
Opportunity: Web Display Advertisements Leaderboard and cube ads are our most popular ad units. It ensures your message will rotate throughout our websites, on all pages, including the homepage. Display ads. Encourage visitors to click on them to visit your website or social media page. Our creative team can custom create your advertisements at no additional charge. Cost: $500 per month. When to use web display ads: Gain traffic to your website Promote your Facebook / Twitter Show off new video commerical Offer special incentive “The creative your team came up with was spot on, it really matched our brand. Your site was the #1 referrer of traffic to our website for the month – more than direct traffic or Google.” MRT Jewelers Web Designer, May 2012
Opportunity: Online Radio Commercials Our online radio broadcast is identical to the same great radio you hear on-air, with the only exception being different commercials. Just because you’re advertising on-air doesn’t mean you’re being heard online. When you add online radio commercials to your marketing, you’ll reach listeners on every device, everywhere they listen - not just in their car. Cost: $5 per spot. Where your online spot will play: Station Website Player iHeartRadio Station Player iPhone Station App. Android Station App. Blackberry Station App. “Nearly six in ten internet radio listeners recall having seen or heard a web radio ad in the last 30 days, up 12% from last year. Of those who remembered an ad, 44% responded to it in some way.” Inside Radio, October 2012
Opportunity: Online Radio Commercials Preroll While the player is loading, a second video can play to that captive audience. It appears in the same 300x250 ad box on the player with audio. The user initiated the click in order to listen to the radio station online, so they will are captured in front of the player. The client gets 100% of these prerolls. Cost: $500 per month. Preroll Video: Captive Audience Listener Initiated Multimedia Interaction 100% Impressions
Opportunity: Dedicated Article Page with keyword We will create a dedicated page for the client with images, video, logo, and link. This page will be surrounded by our brand, which adds to the trust factor. This page will be supported with keyword. A Facebook and Twitter presence can be added to appropriate campaigns. Cost: $550 per month. Article Page: Dedicated Client Content Keyword Social Media Available Video, Audio, Games, Contest, Coupons
Opportunity: Sponsorship Our websites have many visitors who visit the same featured pages over and over. We can brand that page to a client. Sites like Photos, Concerts, Contests, and Talent pages are some of the most visited sites. Sponsorship includes all mentions on the website, Facebook & Twitter. In some cases, this could include on-air mentions when promoting the page. This will include a logo and link. Cost: $550 per month. Sponsorship: Take ownership of Feature Logo and Link Social Media mentions Clients brand linked to feature
Opportunity: In Your Voice From its inception, radio has always been a one-way street…microphone to speaker. With Digital, Listeners have the opportunity to “Dialog” with their favorite stations. We believe the In Your Voice section is a tool that begins this discussion. With constantly updated content, we are offering a destination site that will be visits often and with loyalty. Cost: $550 per month. In Your Voice: Constantly Updated Destination Site Talks to Demographic Will Build Loyalty Make the Site Sticky
Opportunity: In Your Voice From its inception, radio has always been a one-way street…microphone to speaker. With Digital, Listeners have the opportunity to “Dialog” with their favorite stations. We believe the In Your Voice section is a tool that begins this discussion. With constantly updated content, we are offering a destination site that will be visits often and with loyalty. Cost: $550 per month. In Your Voice: Constantly Updated Destination Site Talks to Demographic Will Build Loyalty Make the Site Sticky
Opportunity: Website Takeover/Skin For a 24 hours period, a client can completely own our website. The client’s custom made image will appear on the edges of the website. This will appear on all pages, including the homepage. Additionally, all the ad spaces will be filled with their ad. This is a complete website takeover Cost: $1500 per one day. Website Takeover/Skin: Custom Made Graphic Skin All Pages Takes Over all Home Page Ad Spaces 24 Hour Takeover
Mobile / Text Request Clubs We’re the only radio stations in the market with a thriving mobile club. Our listeners expect to connect with us everyday for requests and to contact the show. Take advantage of an incredible opportunity to heavily brand your business on-air, online and directly to our users cell phones with your message. Why use Mobile / Text Clubs? Heavy frequency on-air, online and on cell phones Listeners WILL see your message on their phone…over 90% check messages within 3 minutes of receipt Unique and forward thinking way to make your business stand out.
/ Newsletter Clubs Twice a month, our stations send out a newsletter to listeners who signup for our VIP Club. These member request these messages. We want create an actual article, not an ad for our clients Why use / Newsletters? s sent to our VIP Club Will contain exclusive news or offers from radio station Client will have article created exclusively for them Additional information will be linked back to website Exclusive way to connect with our audience
In our Digital World – Sky’s the Limit All of our programs were specifically designed for our client’s success. In addition to the major components listed in this guide, we have nearly limitless opportunities to help 2013 be your best year ever. Let Us Help You Sell Your Brand with our Digital Brand.