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YOUR COURSE MATERIALS Hall/Lieberman: Economics: Principles and Applications, 4th Ed. You will… — be tested — receive homework assignments — have reading assignments …from these materials
WHY DO I NEED THE BOOK? — Nine in ten professors (90%) say that students would do better if they made greater user of the assigned textbook. — Students’ pass rates, retention rates and grades improve when they employ supplemental materials in addition to their textbooks. Zogby International, 2006
GET THE GRADE RESOURCES! —ThomsonNow —Active Learning Guide —Learning Path Video Access
WHAT IS THOMSONNOW? ThomsonNOW is an easy-to-use online resource that helps you study in less time to get the grade you want-NOW! – Diagnostic pretests and post-tests – Personalized Study Plan – Multimedia Graphing Tutorials – Tomlinson Videos – Economic News Stories – Policy Debates
WILL THOMSONNOW HELP ME GET A BETTER GRADE? 87.3% of students agree using ThomsonNOW regularly helped them perform better on exams. 83.9% of students agree that Personalized Study was a valuable study tool. 95% of students responded that using ThomsonNOW on a regular basis helped them get a better grade 82.7% of students are likely to tell a friend about ThomsonNOW YES!
LEARNING PATH VIDEO INSTANT ACCESS Hall/Lieberman 4e —When there is a concept that you “just don’t get” —When you would like to see a topic explained “just once more” before an exam or quiz. Learning Path video access featuring Steven Tomlinson is available for this text. Its like office hours 24/7! ISBN for Video Access:
Economics Learning Path Videos for Hall and Lieberman featuring Steven Tomlinson. Brief (approx 10 minutes) multimedia video lectures accompany almost every section of Hall/Lieberman giving you explanations and examples that you can play over and over again.
ANYTHING TO HELP STUDENTS WITHOUT COMPUTERS? —Active Learning Guide for Hall/Lieberman is a Print Study Guide to help you get the grade you want. Each chapter includes: "Speaking Economics" vocabulary sections Chapter Highlights, Important Concepts "Skills and Tools" exercises involving quantitative problems, and Practice Tests. ISBN for Active Learning Guide:
YOU HAVE CHOICES OF HOW TO BUY THE BOOK! Purchase textbooks in the format and at the price that is right for you. Print Options NEW print textbooks at up to 25% off, shipped free! Digital Options Electronic texts up to 50% off Individual chapters for as little as $1.99 Study Tools Study Guides, Online Homework Assistance, Audio Content, and more!
STUDENTS…PLEASE READ If your textbook doesn’t already come with the helpful study aids we’ve discussed, go to your local college bookstore or go on-line to the iChapters.com.