Endangered Dolphins mauidolphins.org Mrs. Lake Gifted
Some Endangered Dolphins Maui’s dolphin Mahakam River Irrawaddy dolphin Malampaya Sound Irrawaddy dolphin Mekong River Irrawaddy dolphin Songkhla Lake Irrawaddy dolphin Eastern Taiwan Strait humpback dolphin Yangtze dolphin Hector’s dolphin Mediterranean common dolphin South Asian river dolphin
Fun Facts There are just 8000 Hector’s dolphins left in the world They have warm blood Hector’s dolphins are known to live to a maximum of about 20 years smallest marine dolphins 2-30 in a group scientific name for the Hector’s dolphin is Cephalorhynchus hectori brandoncole.com
Fun Facts Maui’s dolphins live only in New Zealand The smallest and rarest marine dolphin species on earth There are now just 55 adult Maui’s dolphins left, down from around 1,000 forty years ago listed internationally as 'critically endangered‘ The dolphins are known to live up to 20 years wwf.panda.org
Threats to these endangered dolphins? Maui’s dolphinHector’s dolphin Gill nets Fishing Pollution Trawling Organochlorines Metals Oil spills Plastic debris Tourism Climate change meammals/dolphins/mauis-dolphin/threats/threats-not-caused-by- people / mammals/dolphins/mauis-dolphin/threats/threats-caused-by-people/ Gill nets Fishing Pollution Disease Predation Weather Trawl nets Mining Scientific interactions
Hector's and Maui's dolphins inhabit coastal waters up to a depth of 100 m (red). Because only a fraction of their home is protected against harmful fishing methods (green) their numbers continue to dwindle away. CLICK map to enlarge.
References meammals/dolphins/mauis-dolphin/threats/threats-not-caused-by-people meammals/dolphins/mauis-dolphin/threats/threats-not-caused-by-people mammals/dolphins/mauis-dolphin/threats/threats-caused-by-people mammals/dolphins/mauis-dolphin/threats/threats-caused-by-people hectorsdolphin.htm dolphin/facts/ dolphin/facts/ mauidolphins.org