Declaration of Independence Review Activity Use this power point to review the 5 parts of the Declaration of Independence. This will help you to study for the big essay question on the Chapter 7 test. The heading for each part will appear first on each slide. Take a moment to see if you can recall all of the information about that section before clicking to check your answers.
This is our explanation for England and the rest of the world to read. Introduction Whenever one country wants to separate from another country, it is only proper to give an explanation. This is our explanation for England and the rest of the world to read.
Statement of Rights AND Description of Good Government All men are created equal. All men are born with rights - life, liberty, pursuit of happiness. It is the job of government to protect those rights. If government is not doing that, the people should fix or replace the government.
Complaints against the King A long list of complaints against the King of England. Many actions that he had taken that were unfair to the colonists. This list is for the world to read. This is the longest part of the document.
What we did to make it better The colonists did many things along the way to make it better. They sent representatives to England, they signed petitions. Not only did the King ignore them; many times he made things worse.
Declaring Independence This is where the colonists actually declare their independence from England. It is where they call themselves "The United States of America."