Rachel’s First Five: The world is my country, all mankind are my brethren and to do good is my religion.
Library Books Students all Library books need to be returned to the library. Remember if Library books are not returned you may not participate in end of the year activities.
French Students Today you are completing the listening and speaking portion of the test. Please bring a BOUND book or something silent to work on if you have extra time. You may NOT use your devices at all while tests are out.
Drum Line Students This a reminder that your concert is at 6:30 Wednesday night. Remember to bring your instrument, music and portable music stand to your concert. Musicians should be seated ready to go in the gym no later than 6:15.
Dance Attention 6th and 7th graders, the End of Year dance is this Friday, June 12th from 7:00- 9:00 PM. Tickets are $4 and will be sold Wednesday and Friday during morning walk and Thursday during 6th and 7th grade lunch shifts. Tickets MAY be purchased at the door IF you print the permission slip from the website and bring it signed. There will be concessions and door prizes.
Parkside Players Thursday will be our only cast meeting and rehearsal this week. Plan to stay until activity busses on Thursday this week. Next week WEDNESDAY will be our cast party!