What has been happening in our nest boxes?
Can you remember why birds need boxes in autumn and winter? Why do birds need nest boxes in spring?
Can you remember the nest box rules?
strong no perches not too deep quieter parts of the garden clear flight path not too smooth waterproof correct hole-size slight tilt to protect from rain Face NE
What did you observe happening with the nest boxes? What may still be inside can give us a clue about the kinds of birds that used the boxes.
What may have been going on inside? Blue tit nest moss grass feathers rabbit fur deer hair
Great tit nest moss grass feathers rabbit fur deer hair
Nuthatch nest – dead leaves and bark chippings
Pied Flycatcher nest – dry grass
Now it’s time to find out what was going on in some Nidderdale bird boxes! In groups, examine the contents of some boxes that were used. Look for clues that will tell you which bird has used the box: nesting materials eggs dead chicks (sadly this sometimes happens) Make a note of what you find and be ready to tell us what have you discovered.