Arithmetic Program Examples


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Presentation transcript:

Arithmetic Program Examples Chapter 8 Arithmetic Program Examples factorial(N, Result) :- N > 1, predicates factorial(integer, integer) clauses factorial(1, 1). factorial(N, Result) :- N > 1, M = N-1, factorial(M, RET), Result = N*RET. factorial(N,M) :- M = N, write(“end of datatbase”). Chapter 8 factorial(N, Result) :- M = N-1, factorial(M, RET), predicates factorial(integer, integer) clauses factorial(1, 1) :- !. factorial(N, Result) :- M = N-1, factorial(M, RET), Result = N*RET. Chapter 8

Factorial factorial(X, FactX) /* Recursive program to compute factorials. */ predicates factorial(integer, real) clauses factorial(1, 1) :- !. factorial(X, FactX) :- Y = X-1, factorial(Y, FactY), FactX = X*FactY. Chapter 8

Factorial predicates factorial(integer, real) factorial_aux(integer, real, integer, real) /* Numbers likely to exceed 32767 are declared as reals. */ clauses factorial(N, FactN) :- factorial_aux(N, FactN, 1, 1). factorial_aux(N, FactN, I, P) :- I <= N, !, NewP = P * I, NewI = I + 1, factorial_aux(N, FactN, NewI, NewP). factorial_aux(N, FactN, I, FactN) :- I > N. Chapter 8

Factorial /*Turbo Prolog 2.0 Chapter 7, Example Program 8*/ predicates factorial(integer,real) factorial(integer, real, integer, real) /* Numbers likely to exceed 32767 are declared as reals. */ clauses factorial(N,FactN):- factorial(N,FactN,1,1). factorial(N, FactN, N, FactN):- !. factorial(N, FactN, I, P):- NewI = I+1, NewP = P*NewI, factorial(N, FactN, NewI, NewP). Chapter 8

Status /* Ex3.6 from thai book */ predicates status(symbol). sex(symbol,symbol). father(symbol,symbol). husband (symbol,symbol) clauses husband (suchart,malee). husband (somchai,monta). father(suchart,poo). father(somchai,tik). father(somchai,tum). father(somchai,ta). father(somchai,tu). sex(female,malee). sex(female,monta). sex(male,suchart). sex(male,somchai). sex(female,susy). sex(male,mike). Chapter 8

Status status(X) :- sex(S,X),write(X, “ is “,S," "),nl,fail. status(X) :- husband(X,W),!, write("married wife = ",W),nl, write(" Chiledren : "),nl, father(X,C),write(" ",C),nl, fail. husband (H,X),!, write("married husband = ",H),nl, father(H,C),write(" ",C),nl, write(X, " is single. \n "). Chapter 8

โจทย์ จงเขียนโปรแกรมภาษาโปรล็อกเพื่อคำนวณหาค่า A = (X/B +B)/2 Chapter 8

Ex5.2 /* Ex5.2 from thai book */ /* Find A = (X/B +B)/2 */ predicates solve(real,real,real). clauses solve(A,X,B) :- A = (X/B + B)/2. Chapter 8

โจทย์ จงเขียนโปรแกรมภาษาโปรล็อกเพื่อคำนวณหาค่า AX^2 + BX + C = 0 X = ( -B +- sqrt(B*B -4AC))/2A Chapter 8

Ex5.3 /* Ex5.3 from thai book */ /* Find AX^2 =BX + C = 0 */ /* Find X = ( -B +-sqrt(B*B -4AC))/2A */ predicates solve(real,real,real). run(real,real,real). clauses run(A,B,C) :- D = B*B - (4*A*C), solve(A,B,D),nl. solve(_,_,D) :- D < 0, write("No solution"). solve(A,B,D) :- D = 0, X = -B / (2*A), write(" x = ",X),!. S = sqrt(D), X1 = (-B + S)/(2*A), X2 = (-B - S)/(2*A), write(" x1 = ",X1," x2 = ",X2). Chapter 8

โจทย์ จงเขียนโปรแกรมภาษาโปรล็อกเพื่อคำนวณหาค่า ระยะห่างจากเมือง 2 เมืองใดๆ route(town, town, distance) road(town1, town2, 200) Chapter 8 : Distance /*Turbo Prolog 2.0 Chapter 18, Example Program 2 */ domains town = symbol distance = integer predicates road(town, town, distance) route(town, town, distance) clauses road(tampa, houston, 200). road(gordon, tampa, 300). road(houston, gordon, 100). road(houston, kansas_city, 120). road(gordon, kansas_city, 130). route(Town1, Town2, Distance) :- road(Town1, Town2, Distance). road(Town1, X, Dist1), route(X, Town2, Dist2), Distance=Dist1+Dist2, !. Chapter 8 : Animal goal: run predicates clauses animal_is(symbol) it_is(symbol) ask(symbol, symbol, symbol) positive(symbol, symbol) negative(symbol, symbol) clear_facts run clauses animal_is(cheetah) :- it_is(mammal), it_is(carnivore), positive(has, tawny_color), positive(has, dark_spots). animal_is(tiger) :- it_is(mammal), positive(has, black_stripes). goal: run Chapter 8 : Animal (cont.) animal_is(giraffe) :- it_is(ungulate), positive(has, long_neck), positive(has, long_legs), positive(has, dark_spots). animal_is(zebra) :- it_is(ungulate), positive(has,black_stripes). animal_is(ostrich) :- it_is(bird), negative(does, fly), positive(has, black_and_white_color). animal_is(penguin) :- it_is(bird), positive(does, swim), animal_is(albatross) :- it_is(bird), positive(does, fly_well). Chapter 8 : Animal (cont.) it_is(mammal) :- positive(has, hair). it_is(mammal) :- positive(does, give_milk). it_is(bird) :- positive(has, feathers). it_is(bird) :- positive(does, fly), positive(does,lay_eggs). it_is(carnivore) :- positive(does, eat_meat). it_is(carnivore) :-positive(has, pointed_teeth), positive(has, claws), positive(has, forward_eyes). it_is(ungulate) :- it_is(mammal), positive(has, hooves). it_is(ungulate) :- it_is(mammal), positive(does, chew_cud). positive(X, Y) :- ask(X, Y, yes). negative(X, Y) :- ask(X, Y, no). Chapter 8 : Animal (cont.) ask(X, Y, yes) :- !, write(“Question > “, X, " it ", Y, “?”,’ \n’), readln(Reply), frontchar(Reply, 'y', _). ask(X, Y, no) :- !, write(“Question > “,X, " it ", Y, “?”,’\n’), frontchar(Reply, 'n', _). clear_facts :- write("\n\nPlease press the space bar to exit\n"), readchar(_). run :- animal_is(X), !, write("\nAnswer.... => Your animal may be a (an) ",X), nl, nl, clear_facts. write("\n Answer.... => Unable to determine what"), write("your animal is.\n\n"), clear_facts. Chapter 8

Logic Programming Symbolic Expert System VB Propositional Predicate Logic Prolog True False Fact Rule pred_name(att1,att2,var1) if....then... Chapter 8

Turbo Prolog + - * / mod Symbolic interface ! cut, fail and, or, not factorial interface ! cut, fail Turbo Prolog write read and, or, not window recursive predicates clauses goal domains string variable matching symbol fact rule integer List pred_name(att1,att2,var1) member reverse append head/tail length Chapter 8

Expert System Symbolic Knowledge Engineer Expert Specific Domain Artificial Intelligence Knowledge Representation Expert System Knowledge Engineer Expert Specific Domain User Interface Inference Engine Easy to use Tool Explanation Fact Rule Prolog VB Others if....then... Chapter 8

Knowledge Representation Symbolic Expert System Knowledge Representation semantic network frame conceptual graph predicate Logic slot value isa inheritant pred_name(att1,att2) Chapter 8