What is Electrical Engineering Electrical engineering is a field of engineering that generally deals with the study and application of electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism. Electrical engineers can work on power systems, circuits, telecommunications, and more
A Few Sub-Disciplines in Detail Power Power engineering deals with the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity as well as the design of a range of related device. Median pay - $84,000/year Control Control engineering focuses on the modeling of a diverse range of dynamic systems and the design of controllers that will cause these systems to behave in the desired manner. Median pay - $83,000/year Electronics Electronic engineering involves the design and testing of electronic circuits that use the properties of components such as resistors, capacitors, inductors, diodes and transistors to achieve a particular functionality. Median pay - $78,000/year
Sub-Disciplines CommunictionComputer Hardware Computer ScienceControl Systems ElectromagneticsElectronic Design OpticsPower Systems Remote Sensing and Space SystemsSemiconductor Devices Signal and Image Processing The Electrical Engineer major offers many areas of specialization
Education The education requirement to become a Electrical Engineer is to obtain a bachelor’s degree. Electrical Engineers make up 11% of the engineering workforce.
Career progression There are no set or easily defined routes for career progression for electrical engineers. It can be a matter of choice and preferred specialist area. Some decide to stay in a purely engineering role or work in research and design (R&D), but other options include: going into project management; taking on a management role; an academic career; becoming a consultant or contractor
Breakthroughs in Electrical Engineering
Smart Pens Blind students are about to speed up their learning curve thanks to a new "smart" pen. Did you know, just three characters of Braille take up an inch on a page? This new pen can condense that information into just one smart dot. This is made possible by sensors and chips in the pen
Artificial hand that feels to the touch European researchers have created a robotic hand that gave an amputee a sense of touch he hadn't felt in a decade. It works by sending electrical signals through the remaining nerves in his hand to his brain. So he can feel shapes, textures and pressure.
suntracker The purpose of the wayne state suntracker project is to develop technology for calibrating solar cells in the stratrosphere under near air mass zero (NAM0) conditions using low-cost helium balloons and state-of-the-art communication technologies
How to become a licensed engineer Interships Pass the Fundamentals of Engineering Exam Minimum of four years of experience after obtaining bachelors Some other exams may required for sub-disciplines
What Wayne State Electrical Engineering degree gets you an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams Graduates will have computer skills for effective use in engineering. They will possess a working knowledge of modern programming languages, as well as operating systems and software packages for design, analysis, and simulation Graduates will be able to work hands-on in laboratories with state- of-the-art facilities and equipment to accomplish assigned tasks and projects
Senior Electrical Engineers Move into management or administrative positions. Requires licensing and often a masters. Some engineers with masters or PhD’s go on to teach or do research
Opportunities From the Electrical Engineering field is estimated to grow by 4% The student org, ieee, provides additional networking opportunities to future Electrical Engineers. The average civil engineer’s starting salary in 2012 was $89,630, or $43.09 per hour
Works sited this-time-with-feeling/ and-electronics-engineers.htm