Constructing Images Eyes-free: A Grid-based Dynamic Drawing Tool for the Blind Hesham M. Kamel James A. Landay Group for User Interface Research EECS Department University of California, Berkeley
2 Why do blind people need to draw? Drawing by a totally blind user of the Integrated Communication 2 Draw (IC2D) tool
3 Presentation Overview Motivation Other Graphical Systems for the Blind The Integrated Communication 2 Draw (IC2D) IC2D Usability Study Results and Discussion Live Demo Conclusions
4 Motivations Behind Creating a Drawing Tool for the Blind Misconception: you can’t carry out visual tasks in a non-visual environment Truth: there can be a bridge between mediums Making graphical information accessible for the blind is a challenge, not a problem the challenge is to match the physical environment with a proper user interface Our goal: allow the manipulation of on-screen objects in a non-visual format
5 Related Work: Creation & Access Creating graphics TDraw (Kurze ‘96) Communicating graphics Mercator (Mynatt ‘95)
6 Related Work: Image Sonification Systems Auditory shape perception (Hollander ‘94) use of a virtual speaker array to represent shapes Scene sonification (Meijer ‘92) pixel-based image-to-sound conversion
7 Major Problems with Drawing UIs Graphical user interfaces total reliance on visual feedback imagine drawing with the monitor off where is the cursor? what’s on the screen? how do I get back to where I was? let’s do a little experiment… Haptic user interfaces hard to carry expensive
8 Grid-based Drawing Model Based on telephone keypad known by most blind individuals nine fixed cells navigated by keyboard directional keys or numbers 1-9 each cell is a unique point of reference & can be selected equivalent to point & click The grid supports feedback finding relative & absolute locations measuring distances determining common angles (Kamel & Landay 2000)
9 Grid Recursion Allows more precise point selections 3 levels of recursion resolution of 27 x 27 cells permits drawing objects at different scales Objects drawn at full screen resolution
10 IC2D Provides a Medium for Accommodation & Collaboration Blind accustomed to screen readers IC2D outputs voice & non-speech sounds Users can create & share drawings reflecting self-expression Facilitates sighted users communicating graphically w/ blind users & vice versa (Kamel & Landay 2001) Allows users to enhance semantics of drawings
11 Labeling in IC2D Allows objects & groups of objects to be annotated Uses a hierarchical labeling structure This car, created with help of a sighted user, self-describes its “parts” (Kamel & Landay 2001)
12 Draw a wheel consists of a circle & two lines Example of Labeling (Part 1) CircleLine
13 Circle Label tire & spokes Example of Labeling (Part 2) Line Spoke1 Line Spoke2 Line Front Tire Circle
14 Circle Group individual spokes together Label that group Example of Labeling (Part 3) Line Spoke1 Line Spoke2 Line Front Tire Circle Front Spokes Group
15 Circle Group front tire & front spokes together Label that group Example of Labeling (Part 4) Line Spoke1 Line Spoke2 Line Front Tire Circle Front Spokes Group Front Wheel Group
16 Evaluation Goals Test if users could carry out instructed drawing with precision Test users’ recognition of interrelational representations of objects recognize objects in relation to grid positions & to each other Test labeling as method for understanding drawing via semantic enhancement Test if users could draw representations of real- world objects
17 Methodology Used keyboard input & voice synthesizer output 16 participants: 8 sighted 8 visually impaired (5 partially sighted, 3 congenitally blind) years old sighted & partially sighted participants wore blindfolds Equal amount of familiarization time Used a verbal protocol & recorded along with output Results evaluated on task completion time participants’ self-assessed confidence level quality of the drawing, as rated by sighted third-party judge
18 Task 1 - Part A Draw 3 circles, describe spatial arrangement Tests interralational drawing 38-year-old congenitally blind participant: “I can understand the grid concept abstractly, but not in a visual sense, because I have never been able to see.” 21-year-old sighted participant: “I can almost visualize everything on the screen without having to look at it.” Three circles drawn & described by this participant
19 Task 1 - Part B Draw triangle at smallest grid level in bottom right, draw rectangle in top left, then connect with line Tests instructed drawing & interralational reps
20 Task 2 Explore & describe 3 labeled drawings 3 different arrangements of a man, tree, and house one visually impaired participant said: “I liked when it told you what the picture was, and where it was. It was very easy to picture that in my mind.” Tests whether labels match mental model of the image As the participants navigated the cursor around this figure, they heard “top of tree”, “bottom of tree”, “my man”, etc.
21 Draw a representation of a physical cube Tests if users can draw real world objects a)blindfolded partially sighted participant successfully represented a physical cube by counting grid positions (t=10 minutes) b)blindfolded sighted participant drew this representation of the cube by visualizing it (t=9 minutes) Task 3 a)b)
22 Time for Task Completion (in minutes) Tasks 1a, 1b, & 3: no significant differences in time, user confidence, or the judge’s rating Task 2: visually impaired group significantly faster, more confident, & rated higher
23 Self-Assessed Confidence Rating Blind participants more acclimated to voice output Sighted participants found the experience “intense” One blind participant: “…the way this grid is laid out is not complicated, you will be able to know exactly where you are all the time.”
24 Performance Rating (by judge) Visually impaired participants on average performed at least as well as sighted participants
25 Discussion Grid-based model can be comprehended by sighted & blind participants Input/output keyboard effective navigational device for interacting w/ graphics voice synthesizer doesn’t hinder communicating graphical info Labeling technique effective method for blind users to build mental models of images Drawing by partially sighted participant using IC2D
26 Live Demo
27 Conclusions Designed IC2D interface to match users’ abilities Grid-based model is a useful schema for creating graphics in a non-visual environment Labeling technique effective for users building mental models of visual information IC2D can be used to increase communication between sighted & blind Creating & accessing graphics in a non-visual environment is not a barrier, it is a challenge
28 For More Information
Summary of Statistics (n=16)Visually ImpairedSighted (blindfolded) Task1a time 6 (average)7.3 (average) Task1a confidence Task1a performance 8.8 Task1b time Task1b confidence Task1b performance Task2 time 58.1 Task2 confidence Task2 performance Task3 time Task3 confidence Task3 performance 3.5