Introduction: Staunton City School Lunch Program National School Lunch and Breakfast Program USDA
How it all began…… Food Service at the Federal Level: Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act of 1946 National School Lunch Act was signed in 1946 by President Truman in an effort to improve the health of boys who would become WWII soldiers. Its mission- provide school age children with nutritious meals. The National School Lunch Program serves 31.6 million children each day at a cost of $11.6 billion for fiscal year 2012.
Food Service at the Federal Level: Expansion of Food Service Programs offered under NSLP *School Breakfast Program *National School Lunch Program After School Snack Program Summer Food Service Program Seamless Summer Option Special Milk Program *Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program Starred items indicate programs that we participate in.
School Systems Opt Into The NSLP Participating schools must be in compliance with all civil rights actions Participating schools must follow strict guidelines for usage of commodities foods Participating Schools must follow the Smart Snack rules set forth 2014 Participating schools must follow all State Department of Education regulations Participating schools must follow the nutritional guidelines/meal patterns set forth by USDA *****
A single menu planning approach= FBMP (food based menu planning) Three age/grade groups: K-5, 6-8 & 9-12 Separation of fruit and vegetables into two groups Daily and weekly requirements 5 vegetable sub-groups Half of grains offered must be whole grain rich Weekly grain ranges Weekly meat/meat alternate ranges Reimbursable meals must contain a fruit or vegetable Reimbursable meals must contain at least three components of five
Meals patterns are designed from IOM recommendations and the Dietary Guidelines for Americans ( Lunch & Breakfast Meal Patterns)
Required Weekly Food Components On Each Lunch Tray
FOUR DIETARY SPECIFICATIONS Weekly average requirements – Calories – Sodium – Saturated fat • Daily requirement – Trans fat
Calorie Ranges • Minimum and maximum calorie (kcal) levels – Average over course of the week • Effective SY 2013-14 for SBP • Effective SY 2012-13 for NSLP • Grade Level K-5 (ages 5-10) – Breakfast : 350-500 – Lunch : 550-650 • Grade level 6-8( 11-13) – Breakfast: 400-500 – Lunch: 600-700 •Grade level 9-12 (ages 14-18) – Breakfast: 450-600 – Lunch: 750-850
Sodium (Implementation Date SY 2014-15
Trans Fat New trans fat restriction New trans fat restriction • Nutrition label or manufacturer’s specifications must specify zero grams of specifications must specify zero grams of trans fat per serving (less than 0.5 gram p g) er serving) – Begins SY 2013-2014 for SBP – Begins SY 2012-2013 for NSLP • Naturally-occurring trans fat excluded • e.g., beef, lamb, dairy products
The effort to stem high childhood obesity levels Food Service at the Federal Level: Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010 Improving child nutrition is the focal point of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 HHFKA allows USDA, for the first time in over 30 years, the opportunity to make real reforms to the school lunch and breakfast programs by improving the critical nutrition and hunger safety net for millions of children.
Cause for concern: