ones+theme+song&vid=E DB04E4 4AEBE DB04E44AEB&FORM=VIRE6 ones+theme+song&vid=E DB04E4 4AEBE DB04E44AEB&FORM=VIRE6
Kenneth J. Chrapkowski
Current HRIS does not allow automated employee time keeping Employees, managers and base time keepers process time sheets by hand McConnell Finance Center has been unable to fill 7 budget positions
Purchase EBIS 1.0 time sheet processing program Re-align 5 financial management specialist into vacant AF budgetary positions Fill 5 of 7 vacant budget positions
AF has used EBIS since 2005; addition of EBIS 1.0 requires zero system changes Saves time and increases efficiency Monitors time and attendance Saves money! 5 positions re-aligned
Capital Invested EBIS 1.0/Payroll Application$ 25,000 Cadre Training $ 6,000 Marketing$ 10,000 Subtotal$ 41,000
Resist change; human nature to fight change System confidence; must be gained at the top Software glitches may cause people to distrust the system Masses may only see 85 jobs have been lost
Conduct 4 incremental deployment spirals EBIS 1.0 installation on servers Cadre trains HR, supervisor and managers Cadre conducts base marketing session Cadre trains end user Complete data migration and implement Conduct scheduled status checks Assess, communicate and share lessons learned before next spiral
Purchase EBIS 1.0 time sheet program Re-align 5 financial management specialist into vacant AF budgetary positions Fill 5 of 7 vacant budget positions Adopt proposed implementation time line
Kenneth J. Chrapkowski