Photographic Historical Technologies What Started It All
Camera Obscura Dark box with hole in one end Small hole would result in inverted image on opposite wall Latin for “dark room” Also called a “pinhole camera” Smaller the pinhole, sharper the image Check it out herehere
The basic pinhole camera setup: light rays from an object pass through a small hole to form an inverted image
Photo taken with a pinhole camera. Note the inverted image on the far wall.
Heliography Used bitumen on glass or metal, which hardened when exposed to light Sprayed with oil of lavender and white petroleum to dissolve the areas not affected by light Check it out herehere
Remember this picture that Niepce took? This is a heliograph
Carbon Process Made photos very high quality and prevented them from fading Invented in 1855 by Alphonse Poitvein Mixed carbon, gelatin, coloring material and potassium dichromate Process still used Check it out herehere
Ladies’ home journal 1932
Stereoscopic Photography 3D photography, introduced in in 1800’s Takes two separate photographs 2.5” apart to mimic human eye location Check it out herehere