Colin Seymour Long Term Strategy Director, Consumer Healthcare, Great Britain & Ireland
In developing better, quicker, cheaper NPD…
The role of category thinking in developing successful NPD How a category vision defines innovation strategy The need to consider the four stakeholders How to win at the point of purchase How to engage retailers
Why do we need a category vision? TECHNOLOGY
Some definitions… A Category is… A Category Vision is…
It’s all about changing behaviour New needs or usage occasions New users Existing users Buy moreSpend more
Why is it important to have a category vision?
EXISTING CONSUMER NEEDS ? Brand / consumer thinking in the development of NPD Multipacks Kingsize Minis Treat Snack Lunchbox Meal replacement BRANDNPD
Category thinking in the development of NPD
The challenge of looking into the future
How do you gain insight on the future?
An inspiring vision will be future back
The 4 stakeholders in the innovation process Shopper Retailer Consumer Supplier
What do the 4 stakeholders want? Shopper Retailer Consumer Supplier Is it visible? Is it clear? Is it good value? Is it visible? Is it clear? Is it good value? Is the brand appealing? Does the product fulfil my need? Do I believe in the claim? Is the brand appealing? Does the product fulfil my need? Do I believe in the claim? Will it sell? Will it grow the category? Will it enhance my profit margin? Will it sell? Will it grow the category? Will it enhance my profit margin? Will it grow sales & profit? Is the product differentiated? Is it relevant to the brand? Will it grow sales & profit? Is the product differentiated? Is it relevant to the brand?
Case Study – Lucozade Revive Shopper Retailer Consumer Supplier
Case Study – Ribena Plus Shopper Retailer Consumer Supplier
The opportunity for a shared category vision Retailer Supplier Insight
Create a shared view of the path ahead Establish thought leadership Create the context for future NPD The benefit of engaging retailers in a category vision
Thinking differently about the category….. A Category is…
A consumer category may not be a shopper category
The category vision has to be implemented practically
Successful execution of NPD at the point of purchase Shopper Is it visible? Is it in the appropriate location? Does it have the right amount of space? Does it standout on fixture? Is it visible? Is it in the appropriate location? Does it have the right amount of space? Does it standout on fixture? Is it good value? Is the (relative) price worth paying? Is there any incentive to buy now? Is it good value? Is the (relative) price worth paying? Is there any incentive to buy now? Is it clear? Does it communicate the need or occasion? Is the product benefit clearly communicated? Is it clearly differentiated? Is it clear? Does it communicate the need or occasion? Is the product benefit clearly communicated? Is it clearly differentiated?
Shoppers want to be in and out – fast!
Sometimes, discovery needs a little disruption Level of Disruption LOWHIGH LOW HIGH Sales LOW HIGH Ease of shop
Sometimes, NPD is category-defining… Freshly frozen baby meals The baby food aisle? The frozen food aisle?
Sometimes category redefinition can be the catalyst for NPD…
In summary, the secret of better, quicker, cheaper NPD Shopper Retailer Consumer Supplier Retailer Supplier