World Wide Chemical Conference and Exhibition XXI 13-15 October 04 Joint NBC Regiment World Wide Chemical Conference and Exhibition XXI 13-15 October 04 UK Perspectives Group Captain Rob Lynch Royal Air Force
UK VISION Threat Intelligence Mobility and Flexibility Joint NBC Regiment UK VISION Threat Intelligence Mobility and Flexibility Integral not separate/specialist Support to Civil Power Line between CBRN, Medical and environmental will blur The potential CBRN threat has changed from the massed threat during the Cold War period, to a less well defined threat in which the use of CBRN materials is more likely, and deterrent strategies will have a less certain effect. This necessitates a matching shift in defensive posture. Timely and enhanced intelligence capability will be key to enabling effective proactive, rather than reactive defence strategy. Our future forces will need to be increasingly mobile and flexible, and able to maintain freedom of action to undertake a wide range of operations despite any CBRN threats or use. This requires a parallel change across all areas of CBRN defence including, training and equipment. Our future forces will need to have a greater appreciation of growing CBRN asymmetric threat and be suitably equipped and trained to defend against that threat. CBRN defence needs to be an integral part of the military capability rather than a specialist task. Training and education is needed to facilitate this integration and for success future CBRN technology needs to be integrated. CBRN defence will need to support the UK civil authorities both to protect home based military assets and supporting facilities, and to provide MACA. We need to adopt a wide definition of ‘capability’ to include moral and conceptual components as well as the physical. In particular, the aim needs to be the mitigation of the psychological impact of CBRN. Our defensive capability is required to encompass not only direct CBRN warfare threats but also Environmental and Industrial Hazards (EIH) which encapsulate Toxic Industrial Materials (TIMs) and general environmental hazards such as endemic infectious hazards. The lines between CBRN, medical issues and environmental health will blur.
Agenda Presentation Theme Jointery Joint NBC Regiment Agenda Presentation Theme Jointery Joint Structure MOD Joint Doctrine Joint NBC Assets Issues
Joint NBC Regiment Joint Structure
Counter-proliferation Biological Radiological Joint NBC Regiment Joint Structure MINISTERS Arms Control Permanent Under Secretary of State Chief of the Defence Staff Vice Chief of the Defence Staff Policy Director Deputy Chief of the Defence Staff (Commitments) Assistant Chief of the Defence Staff (Policy) Assistant Chief of the Defence Staff (Operations) This slide shows where CBW Policy sits in the hierarchy. We report to the Policy Director - 3 star. Notice on the right hand side DJW and the Commitments area management chain. As the arrows on the slide show there is very close contact between Policy and Commitments staff. At 3 star there is a joint Management Plan. So that’s where we sit in the MoD, how about within CBW matters as a whole. Director Counter-proliferation & Arms Control Director Chemical Biological Radiological & Nuclear Policy Director Joint Capability
MANAGEMENT OF CBRN DEFENCE IN THE MOD Joint NBC Regiment MANAGEMENT OF CBRN DEFENCE IN THE MOD CENTRAL STAFFS CDI Surgeon General Finance Director DCDS (Personnel) Policy Director DCDS (Commitments) DCDS (Equipment Capability) S & T Director A slightly different view showing how people dealing with CBRN issues fit into the wider Central Staffs. The Policy and Commitments area are in the centre columns. Some changes recently - SGD is now Defence Medical Services Department. DI52 DI53 CPSG D Med Op Cap DMSD JDCC CPACS D CBRN Pol D Jt Cap DEC NBC RT(RD CBDHS) DSTL Porton Down
CBRN Defence in MOD DJtCap CBRN Ops CBRN Pol Joint NBC Regiment CBRN Defence in MOD DJtCap CBRN Ops Tri-Service, Operationally Focused, Advice, Policy & Expertise CBRN Pol Higher level CBRN Defence Policy, Ministerial Questions, Liaison with other Govt Depts
Joint NBC Staff HQ RAF Strike Command Joint NBC Regiment Joint NBC Staff HQ RAF Strike Command A team of 2 Army and 3 RAF in a Joint Branch Provision of Jt NBC Regt for Peacetime control and Operations Contribute to Joint Doctrine. Staff Focus for The NBC School (DNBCC) RAF NBC Policy and Training RAF NBC In-Service equipment.
Joint Manual of NBC Defence (TTP) Joint NBC Regiment Joint NBC Doctrine AJP-3.8 (3-61) 3-61.1 Joint NBC Defence Navy BR 2170(2) Land AFM Vol1 Part 5 Air RAF NBC Doctrine AJP3.8-3-61 Doctrine for NBC Defence of NATO forces. Now ratified and issued to UK forces. Joint Manual of NBC Defence (TTP)
Joint NBC Assets Joint NBC Regiment RY and RAF 2623 Aux Sqn Force Protection Sqn
Joint NBC Regiment DECONTAMINATION N&C RECCE Survey Light Recce Teams BW Detection
Force Protection Centre Joint NBC Regiment Force Protection Centre SIBCRA. 2 x Teams on R2 Op Banknote for the NARO (part of the Ship Support Agency) Monitoring Survey Decon Personnel. Op Basilisk CT (Land) Trials. STO Training. MACA.
VCDS Review of the JNBCR Joint NBC Regiment VCDS Review of the JNBCR Enduring requirement for a specialist unit out to 2015. Endorse the requirement for Light Teams. Migrate specialist capability to front line commands.
UK Issues Themes: The Threat remains Joint NBC Regiment UK Issues Themes: The Threat remains No foreseen technological solution Cost saving culture Clear capability gaps Challenge: How to do more at no extra (or reduced) cost Broad Defence Requirement: More Light capability Better sustainability Some military specialists Greater tri-service awareness C2 to generate synergy How: Improving tri-service trg Make JNBCR more flexible Use the Reserves Focus the capability on CCs Issues: Must be capability driven Taking risk: reserves & coalition Affiliations/ownership
Joint NBC Regiment Questions