MEGAN PAUGH Dyscalculia
What is it? Dyscalculia is a term referring to a wide range of life- long learning disabilities involving math. There is no single form of math disability, and difficulties vary from person to person and affect people differently in school and throughout life 3-6% (Tajar and Sharifi, 2011)
Characteristics Deficits in: Automatic processing of numerical info Efficiency of making associations between symbolic meaning and quantity Retrieving arithmetical facts Executing efficient calculation procedures (Kadosh and Walsh, 2007)
Number Sense The key to understanding and doing math Numerical and spatial relationship of numbers (Callaway, 2013)
Early Childhood Difficulties Difficultly learning number sense Trouble with tasks (sorting, patterns, compare & contrast) (Tajar and Sharifi, 2011)
School-Age Difficulties Difficulty in solving basic math problems (addition, subtraction, multiplication & division) Struggle retaining basic math facts Trouble with applying knowledge to math (Tajar and Sharifi, 2011)
Teenager and Adult Difficulties Trouble moving on to advanced math Difficulty in grasping vocabulary (Tajar and Sharifi, 2011)
Cause Neurological (brain damage) Genetics (congential/hereditary) (Ashkenazi, Rosenberg-Lee, Tenison & Menon, 2012)(Kadosh and Walsh, 2007)
Evaluation Teacher or professional Full range of math-related skills Counting, adding, subtracting, multiplying & dividing; predicting appropriate procedures; organizing components in a logical way; measuring, telling time and using money; estimation; self-checking work Pencil and paper (Tajar and Sharifi, 2011)
Services, Tips & Accommodations Strengths and weaknesses Tutor (individual attention) Finding different ways to approach problems Practice estimation Graph paper Begin with concrete examples Limited distractions Supply student with necessary supplies computers (Tajar and Sharifi, 2011)