ODOT Rail Division 1.Regulate all Highway/Railroad Crossings 2.What is a “Crossing Order”? 3.When is an Order required?
Crossing Order Process 1.Parties: Road Authority, Railroad, Rail Division 2.Application, Proposed Final Order, Final Order months 4.Hint #1: complete your negotiations prior to submitting signed application 5.Hint #2: complete ASAP in design process
Access to Railroad Right of Way Right of Entry Permit, non-intrusive permit 3.Flagging
Design & Construction 1.Construction fence at 25 feet foot vertical clearance 3.Drainage 4.Modular construction, work windows
Safety 1.The view from the Cab 2.Lookout – Expect a train any time, any direction, any track 3.Tripping Hazards
ODOT Rail Division
Railroad There are three areas of concern when considering a facility around Railroad property and Railroad operations Scoping of a facility Design of a facility Construction of a facility
Railroad Scoping What effects will the construction of a facility have with the Railroad? What additional costs may accompany the facility due to the Railroad requirements? The Railroad time lines may delay the letting date of a facility. Who should be contacted?
Railroad Design What are the design criteria and requirements around Railroads within the Railroad property and/or Railroad operations? What type of data should be submitted to the Railroads for their review? Are there other facilities within the Railroad property and/or Railroad operations?
Railroad Construction Do we inspect the Railroad during construction? What type of coordination should there be with the Railroad? What is the timing for the coordination with the Railroads when Railroads are to do work?
Railroad Examples of Railroads plans and agreements Type Size & Location (TS&L) Geometric Layouts Railroad Encroachment Map Construction & Maintenance Agreement