DEMOGRAPHICS 46% aged (average age 34) 80% Married or defacto 40% own home with a mortgage 30,000 are Self Employed 50% work Full Time 31% have HH Income $100K+ 50% have kids <5, 41% kids 5-12 ATTITUDES & ACTIVITIES Super mom – With her focus on her little ones, 72% say that as a family they spend a lot of time together and 73% say family is more important than a career. The group enjoys to take holidays with 72% preferring short breaks within NZ and prefer holidays where everything is organised for them Unaware & Influenced – 35% of the target try to buy New Zealand made products with 62% prefer to do their shopping close to home. They are a busy group with the target being 12% more likely to be too busy to shop around. On the weekends they are found visiting parks & gardens, shopping centers. 54% will be driving in traffic. HOUSEHOLD SHOPPERS WITH KIDS 378,000 PEOPLE (27% OF PEOPLE WHO ARE OUTDOOR OBSERVERS) HHS W/ KIDS Source: Nielsen Consumer & Media Insights Survey (Jan-Dec12) Base: People who are Outdoor Observers 1,413,000 people 79 % seen Billboard advertising in the past week
44% NOTICE ADVERTISING ON BIG BILLBOARDS ON MY WAY TO THE SHOPPING CENTRE HHS W/ KIDS Source: Nielsen Consumer & Media Insights Survey (Jan-Dec12) Base: People who are Outdoor Observers 1,413,000 people MEDIA AND OUTDOOR BEHAVIOUR Outdoor attitudes/opinions 20% seen advertising on Billboards at least once a day 31% can remember seeing roadside Billboards in the last week 45% remember airport advertising seen in the last week The target are 17% more likely than the population to think advertising influences their purchase decisions Commuting to work/study 69% travel by car (alone or car pool) 14% take the bus 8% use the train On the Road each week 54% drive in traffic throughout the week HOUSEHOLD SHOPPERS WITH KIDS 378,000 PEOPLE (27% OF PEOPLE WHO ARE OUTDOOR OBSERVERS)
PURCHASE & INTENTION BEHAVIOUR Shopping 41% are the sole decision maker for groceries Saturday and Thursday are the core shopping days 47% are the first to try to new food items Technology 54% use their mobiles more than their home phones 38% own an ipod or ipad 45% are comfortable shopping online Travel 44% intend to travel internationally in the next 12 months 38% intend to travel within New Zealand in the next 6 months 70% are considering a cruise 80% looking to travel with New Zealand in the next 12 moths 1 IN 5 ARE INTENDING TO PURCHASE A CAR IN THE NEXT 12 MONTHS HHS W/ KIDS Source: Nielsen Consumer & Media Insights Survey (Jan-Dec12) Base: People who are Outdoor Observers 1,413,000 people HOUSEHOLD SHOPPERS WITH KIDS 378,000 PEOPLE (27% OF PEOPLE WHO ARE OUTDOOR OBSERVERS)