Activity #6 What is my name? By Sandra Y. Soliz Dr. Gomez Biliteracy Class
Student goal: (LA )The student will plan, organize and give an oral presentation. Materials: Book “My Name Is Yoon” by Helen Recorvits, Tag board, crayons/markers Information Card
Warm-UP Introduce the book and read it to the students. After Reading the book, have students Think-pair-share how they got their name? What does their name mean and if they know where their name comes from? Teacher will model with her own name how to search the information at Students will be given the opportunity to answer these questions at home prior to this activity or in the computer lab. This way students will be prepared for class discussion.
Name Card Students will fill out card below: Name:___________________ Origin:___________________ Meaning:_________________ Do you like your name? Explain why yes or no…_____________________________________________________
Acrostic Poems: Introduce acrostic poetry to students. Model using your name how to create and acrostic poem. Explain that it may be easier to write down adjectives that describe them. Students can work with a partner To orally come up with adjectives that describe them.
Students will create their own acrostic poems. Have students create their own acrostic poems with their first names. Then Teacher will model how to create a poster by using markers and Tagboard of their acrostic poems. Students can decorate their posters any way they choose. Students will orally present their finished products to the class. Wrap-up: Students will turn and talk about what they thought about the activity that they completed based on their names.
Teacher will display student poems: