Alameda County Food to Families BBC Meeting May 25,
Presentation Overview Equity Framework Building Blocks Collaborative “Birth” of Food to Families (F2F) F2F Goals, Objectives In Ashland-Cherryland In West Oakland Mini-grant: First Cohort Mini-grant Expectations 2
Compared to a White child in the affluent Oakland Hills, an African American born in high-poverty West Oakland is… 1.5 times more likely to be born premature or low birth weight 7 times more likely to be born into poverty 2.5 times more likely to be behind in vaccinations 4 times less likely to read at grade level 5 times more likely to be hospitalized for diabetes 2 times more likely to die of heart disease Cumulative impact: 15 year difference in life expectancy Race, Income, and Place Impact Health INFANT CHILD ADULT Source: Life and Death from Unnatural Causes: Health and Social Inequity in Alameda County, 2008
1 in 3 newborns start life in poverty
How inequities get into the body: The Life Course Perspective How do “place” and opportunity impact your health? – “toxic” stress can wreak havoc in the body. Research shows: 1. Experiences during critical times in development can have an impact much later in life. – Not just health –education, community, physical environment, economic environment all play a role – Pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, early childhood, adolescence 2. Impacts of these experiences accumulate to determine health status.
“Everyone in Alameda County, no matter where you live, how much money you make, or the color of your skin, has access to the same opportunities to lead a healthy, fulfilling and productive life.” Health Equity
Healthy Food Education Residents Parks and Activities Housing Economic Justice Building Blocks: We each have a role Childcare Preschool Transportat ion Policy Makers Jobs Safe Neighbor- hoods Clean Air Medical Care
Building Blocks Collaborative : Bill of Rights 1. be believed in 2. live, play and grow in a clean, safe place 3. receive a quality education 4. be loved by a caring adult 5. eat healthy food 6. explore nature 7. enjoy economic opportunity and financial security 8. access health care that promotes well-being 9. be free from discrimination and violence 10. be included & valued by a supportive community All children in Alameda County have a right to be born healthy, and to: Building Blocks Collaborative, April 2010
Key Objectives: – Develop shared vision for diverse partners – Apply the Life Course Perspective in our daily work – On-going collaborative action Planning Framework
One Problem: Lack of Healthy Food Stores
Food to Families Principles 1) Makes sustainable improvement to community food landscape that increases residents access to healthy foods 2) Employs, engages, and supports the development of youth 3) Creates a sustainable economic development model 4) Works with pregnant women (during and post pregnancy) 5) Serve West Oakland and/or Ashland‐Cherryland communities 11 Food to Families Principles
Building Blocks Collaborative Support and Connections ( including Mini-grants) West Oakland Health Council Food to Families Program THE KRESGE FOUNDATION Mandela Marketplace DSAL & Dig Deep Farms Tiburcio Vasquez Health Center Ashland/Cherryland Area Prenatal care and Produce Coupons to 30 Women Prenatal care and Produce Coupons to 30 Women Nutrition Education / Classes (Staff and Peer Educators) Nutrition Education / Classes & Distribution of Health Ed Materials Business Analysis & Planning for Sustainability WYSE Youth Team: Leadership & Produce Delivery to Stores Team Fresh (Youth) Leadership &Prep/ Distribution of Produce Nutrition Education / Classes & Distribution of Health Ed Materials West Oakland Area
Based on expressed community need, existing momentum, and BBC strengths Meets families’ immediate needs while also working to improve community food landscape Creates jobs and keeps money in our communities – which impacts health! Leverages trusted health provider relationship through written prescriptions Innovative partnerships Translates life course theory into practice!
In Ashland Cherryland… 14
More on Ashland-Cherryland 15
In West Oakland…
More on West Oakland… 17
Mini-grantees: Our First Cohort! Brighter Beginnings (WO) City Slicker Farms (WO) EBALDC (Money Savvy Youth) (WO) Furthering Youth Inspiration (AC) Mom’s in Joy/ UCSF (WO & AC) 18
Mini-grants Cycle 2! What we’re looking for… Work in Ashland-Cherryland or West Oakland Connect to Bill of Rights and F2F Principles! Collaborate with other BBC partners (including F2F partners) Strive for sustainability Be multi-sector Build capacity Be Innovative! $250-$
Discussion 20