Business Intelligence: The Next Big Thing (Really!) John Bair CTO, Ajilitee Sep 14, 2012 Presented to TDWI St. Louis Chapter
2 Contents Viewpoint Quick survey The Next Big Thing ◦Cloud ◦Big data ◦NoSQL ◦Mobility Adoption accelerators ◦Architectures ◦Business sponsorship Getting started
3 Viewpoint BI is still top of mind BI technology revolution Not just for giant ecommerce Accessible and usable Practical ideas and approaches BI: The Next Big Thing
4 Quick survey Smart phones xPad/tablets BI on virtualized platform DW on virtualized platform BI components in cloud today Hadoop for ETL, for analytics NoSQL for apps, for analytics Social networking for sales, customer service, analytics Business demand for 1:1, personalization, real-time
5 BI and Cloud Web services extend the data center Public, partner, private Virtual unlimited resources On demand Data and analytic services Archiving
6 Big Data Batch parallel data processing framework/platform Map-Reduce Scale-out Distributed file system Examples ◦Hadoop/HDFS, EMR Growing base of tools ◦Pig, Hive, Mahout, Avro ◦Many commercial tools emerging ₋Integration with DW and Analytic appliances ₋Integration with Windows and Azure
7 NoSQL Too bad it’s defined by what it is not. What it is: Predominant data store backing web applications High performance scale-out Flexible schema Eventual consistency Easier mapping of data to web apps Can index other big data stores Examples ◦HBASE ◦Cassandra ◦DynamoDB
8 Web applications and device independence Ubiquitous access Content decoupled from rendering Mobile devices BYOD App virtualization User analytics Security BI Mobility
9 More than the Sum of Parts Use individually or together Cloud enables Big Data Mobility drives real-time Real-time Data store for apps Ubiquitous access Device independence Parallel processing Distributed storage Web services On demand resources CLOUDBIG DATA NOSQLMOBILITY
10 The Mythical BI User Typically report 25% adoption of BI Look at the big picture ◦Direct users are only one class of BI users ◦Applications are the predominant consumers ◦Customers may not even be aware of BI Cloud and web services are fueling this shift BI adoption surveys don’t tell the whole story
11 Health Care Solution Architecture Example © COPYRIGHT 2011 Ajilitee. Confidential. Business Continuity Archive HDFS Data Exchange Reporting & Analytics Analytic SQL Operational NoSQL Web Services HIPAA HL7 EDI ACOs Healthcare Payers Healthcare Providers Compute and Storage Data Mining Subrogation COB BRE Service Providers Collaboration Archive and Audit Business Solutions Analytic Services Data Services Cloud Services TBD Provider MDM Member MDM Data Quality Data Governance Performance Monitoring Bill Audit Care Management TBD Product MDM TBD
12 Architect to accelerate adoption Hybrid Cloud, extending your data center DW on premise, analytics in cloud ◦Dashboards ◦Analytics ◦Data enrichment Analytics on premise, data in cloud ◦Data services ◦MDM, address correction ◦Public data sets Archive to the cloud ◦Transactions ◦Analytics
13 CloudData center DW/BI Big Data BI Extended Architecture Staging DW Archive Profiling Mining Audits Archive Big Data External Data
14 CloudData center DW/BI NoSQL BI Extended Architecture Apps DW Archive Segmentation Targeting Archive Big Data NoSQL Publish
15 Extend Your BI Strategy As part of your next BI strategy update Assess current state of Cloud and SaaS ◦SaaS Integrated BI ◦Third party data sets Assess current state of mobility ◦Phones and Pads ◦BYOD Assess BI web services ◦Applications as BI consumers Assess regulatory requirements ◦Archiving ◦Auditing
16 Transform Your BI Program Changing how Business and IT think about BI Value proposition ◦Away from a “cost of doing business” ◦Into a critical driver of sales and revenue Business sponsorship ◦Mobility & Social networking: Sales, Marketing, Customer Service ◦Big Data: Compliance, Marketing Analytic services for applications ◦Sales and marketing ◦Customer Service
17 Recap Four trends that are revitalizing BI ◦Cloud ◦Big Data ◦NoSQL ◦Mobility Web services driving BI adoption Transforming your BI program ◦Architectures ◦BI Sponsorship
18 Questions
19 Contact Information If you have further questions or comments: John Bair CTO, Ajilitee