Choice Books English 9A
Choice Books The choice book will be the book you read during SSR from now until the end of the trimester. You will have FOUR books to chose from. This PowerPoint will outline the possible selections. Over the course of the trimester you will be responsible for various assignments that will pertain to your individual choice.
Book Choices 1.First Part Last Angela Johnson 2. Go Ask Alice Anonymous 3. That Was Then, This Is Now S.E.Hinton 4. Monster Walter Dean Myers
First Part Last Written in 2003 by Angela Johnson -Johnson is a children’s book and poetry author with 40 books to her credit -Johnson was born in Tuskegee, Alabama and grew up in Windham, Ohio.
First Part Last Novel centered around the concept of teen pregnancy Told from the perspective of Bobby, the 16-year-old father. Bobby flashes back and forth between “then” and “now” while we find out why the mother, Nia, is unable to raise the child The book focuses on the many hardships that accompany teen pregnancy and raising a child alone
Go Ask Alice First published in 1971 by an anonymous author It is widely believed the true author is Beatrice Sparks We will never know the full truth. Sparks died at the age of 95 in May of 2012.
Go Ask Alice This novel is centered around teen drug abuse. Told in “Diary” form and is said to be a true story. Although written in the late 60’s/early 70’s, readers will find the themes to be very current.
That Was Then, This IS Now First published in 1971 and it was written by S.E. Hinton Hinton began writing her first book “The Outsiders” at 16 as she was failing her H.S creative writing class. She has penned 9 books to date.
That Was Then, This Is Now Written in novel form about two childhood friends who grow apart as they “come of age”. This novel references the darker side of teenage life. With references to drugs, alcohol, and violence. Novel deals with questions of loyalty and repercussions of tough decisions.
Monster Written by Walter Dean Myers in 1999 Myers was ridiculed as a child because of a speech impediment Myers was often in trouble at school and on the street defending himself because of his S.I. He wrote “Monster” after following the advice of his writing teacher.
Monster Written in screenplay form. (Like a movie or play) from the perspective of the main character Steve Harmon. Harmon is a 16 year old black male on trial for murder. When the prosecutor labels Harmon a “Monster” he begins to take a strong internal look at himself. Themes include introspection, peer pressure, and humanity.
Strategies The StrategiesWhat it Means MAKING CONNECTIONS “This reminds me of…” “I can think of a connection to…” “I remember when…” ASKING QUESTIONS “I wonder…” “Why…” “I’m confused about…” “How come…”
Strategies The StrategiesWhat it Means VISUALIZING “I can get a picture in my mind of…” “I can see…” “It is like a movie in my head…” “I can visualize…” INFERRING “I think it means…” “(Character) is saying that…” “If I read between the lines, I can tell…”
Strategies The StrategiesWhat it Means PREDICTING “I’m guessing that…” “I’m predicting that…” DETERMINING IMPORTANCE “(Event) is important because…” SYNTHESIZING “I finally understand that…” “My AHA moment is…” “I thought (one way), but now I think (this way)…”