University of Tennessee at Chattanooga IT Master Plan Helpdesk: (423)
IT Master Plan Summary Helpdesk: (423) NumberInitiative TitleStatusNext Steps 1Establish an IT Governance Model Had first meeting. Laying foundation Next meeting August 2.Hire Campus Technology LeaderDone 3.Create Technology Organization Implemented first phase realignment which included adding ARC Continue to look for centralization opportunities 4.Technology Purchases/In Take ProcessWe have started to centralize, standardize, and consolidate university technology purchases Look for further opportunities including centralizing all computer purchases through IT
Helpdesk: (423) IT Master Plan Summary NumberInitiative TitleStatusNext Steps 5. Student Technology Fee Budgeting Process CIO is in the process of reviewing all Tech Fee requests for next year. CIO will make recommendation to Provost and CFO. CIO is working with Student Technology group to gain their advice 6.Technology Reassessment/RefreshWe are handling this piece by piece currently. Several labs have been replaced but I large scale refresh and renew plan has not been implement for computers and classroom technology Hope to get central funding to replace the oldest computers on campus and start to establish a 4 year refresh for all computers. We are also hoping to test some staff members in the fall using virtual desktops.
IT Master Plan Summary NumberInitiative TitleStatusNext Steps 7.Technology Spending and Reporting In all campus meetings I show the IT budget and how we are spending the resources in addition to why we are making such investments. Will continue these things and will add more information to the new IT website. 8.Enhance Customer CareCreated Customer services task force We will be filling for a Level One Baldridge award and continuing to try and make it part of the culture. Helpdesk: (423)
IT Master Plan Summary Helpdesk: (423) NumberInitiative TitleStatusNext Steps 9.IT Service CatalogIn process. Will be rolled out with new website. 10.Network AccessWe have made modifications to Bradford that make it easier for UTC students, staff and faculty to sign on to wireless. We have added EDURoam so that people that are from another high education campus can sign on as if they were on their own campus Still working on establishing better less cumbersome guest wireless access
IT Master Plan Summary Helpdesk: (423) NumberInitiative TitleStatusNext Steps 11.Next Steps for Banner We continue to support many more add-ons which has not allow for the Banner team to relax much. Continue to look for ways that we can increase and assist student achievement. We hope to have Degree Compass up and running during the fall to help this. 12.Technology Asset ManagementWe are looking at a better system to handle this. We are making such all technology is tagged that we are aware of regardless of the $1,500 threshold We need to establish a system to do this.
IT Master Plan Summary Helpdesk: (423) NumberInitiative TitleStatusNext Steps 13.Computer Lab ManagementWe have been tracking all computer lab usage for the past 10 months and have statistics on what applications students are using, and overall usage of the labs. We have already used data to look at what labs can be virtualized. We will continue to look for more opportunities. We are looking at what desktop management tool will be the best fit for the UTC computing environment. We will hopefully move forward with a solution in the fall.
IT Master Plan Summary Helpdesk: (423) NumberInitiative TitleStatusNext Steps 14.Network Convergence and Architecture We have upgraded the network core to handle 10 gig. We continue to install fiber so that all buildings have at least 1 gig to the building. Continuing to make investments that will all the campus to fully be able to utilize 10 gig connectivity when we make the upgrade. Probably in 2 or 3 years. 15.Annual Systems ReviewWe have a technology review board. We have already consolidated a fair amount of servers over the past year. Hopefully we can centralize more servers and relocate them in the secure air conditioned data center in Hunter
IT Master Plan Summary Helpdesk: (423) NumberInitiative TitleStatusNext Steps 16. Promote a culture of continuous improvement We are working hard to increase the way we do our job and how we do it. More professional development and more campus exchanges. In the next few months the IT team with visit UGA and hopefully several others. 17.Technology News and UpdatesCIO hosts two meeting each month (CIO Townhall meeting for IT and Participate IT and an Ask the CIO Meeting. We also send out biweekly IT Newsletters, an Annual Report and regular communications to campus The new website will have a larger section dedicated to communicate and updates. We will have a project status section where we will indicate what projects IT is working on and how far along they are.
IT Master Plan Summary Helpdesk: (423) NumberInitiative TitleStatusNext Steps 18.Systems Dashboard The Systems group is working on this. We hope to have something up by fall that shows what systems are working and what are off line. 19.Website Redesign4/5 doneAugust 1 st goes live 20.Technology Computer Training Created a group responsible for We are repurposing someone to have at least 2 training offered this next semester. 21.UTC Employee TrainingIT is working with HR on this. Need to develop a plan.