Agnieszka Dudek Maciej Kaczmarek Sergi Bañuls Riera Alba Sala Vidal Sonja Lukkarinen Mikko Heinonen THE CASE OF FRANKFURT (ODER) – SLUBICE
CONTENTS Introduction Theoretical framework - Definitions History of Frankfurt(Oder) and Słubice Commercial impact of tourism Cooperation in twin towns -Sewege treatment plant in Guben-Gubin -Eurocentrum in Guben-Gubin -Public transport in Frankfurt(Oder)-Słubice -Results of interview Change in landscape Conclusions References
Examined area The boundary between the Polish and Germany is often called border on the Oder and Neisse rivers. Length of Polish-German border was 467 km, which accounted for 13% of the Polish frontiers. The border started on the junction of the three borders: German, Czech and Polish
Theoretical framework and methods The theoretical framework used in our research is placed in the field of social and cultural geography. Border studies have developed remarkably from the times, when the term “border” meant only a hard, state-separating line, to the times of processes, effects and people-central analysis (Newman 2003). The method used was an narrative analysis of texts and transcription of the interviews. Data was collected from the streets, articles and internet. Focus on the big picture but also some spesific examples. Study questions: 1. What is the commercial role of border areas? 2. Which are the commercial differences between Germany and Poland at the borderland areas? 3. Which are the factors that make people to cross the border? 4. How does the border impacts to the landscape from the commercial point of view?
DEFINITION Double town Double town is an administrative city region constituted from two contiguous cities. Double towns share a common government and public sector. Double towns are often formed because of a need for the dense cooperation between cities and because of an attempts to improve the friendship, economy and cultural understanding.
DEFINITION Twin town Twin towns or sister towns are regions similar to double towns, but they have an independent government. The term “twin town” is generally considered as an expression of strong cooperation and a shared business trade.
DEFINITION Borderland The borderland is the region or area in a relative close proximity to the border within which the dynamics of change and daily life practices are affected by the very presence of the border.
DEFINITION Landscape Landscape is such an wide environment observed by using different senses. The term landscape was defined by an German geographer Alexander von Humboldt in century, and it is often used for describing the different dimensions of the environment or specific region / place.
HISTORY The German – Polish border region took the first steps in reconciliation and cooperation with the introduction of visa- free travel at the end of 1971, the Polish Eastern border waited for a similar opportunity until well into the 1990s. The former German towns straddling the newly drawn border were forcibly partitioned, producing a number of „divided towns” including Gorlitz-Zgorzelec, Guben-Gubin, Frankfurt an der Oder – Słubice, Bad Muskau – Łęknica.
The Polish – German border And now the border between twons almost doesn’t exist. On the both sides it began formed a bazar and projects that started a communication, cooperation and commercial role between country.
TOURISM The tourism can be considered one of the great engines of the commercial area where the border has allowed a large influx of population. Main attractions by the Germans tobacco, alcohol, meat and agricultural products among others. Main attractions by the Polish pharmacy and personal care items, clothes, food, shoes and electronic devices.
We attribute this to the fact basically to the economic difference between the two countries, which acts as an advertisement for the close situation of the local area. In the economic aspect of the area, also has played a very important role that the attraction generates Berlin as its location is approximately to 90 kilometers away.
The behavior and characteristics of consumers led to create a purchasing system specific in the borderline area. We found two types of establishments, one inspired in the local people (more stable) and where German citizens are frequent. On the other hand we find the German market opened slightly to the Polish population. The socioeconomic status of citizens is also very important for the two cities.
The fact to receive a large influx of public of the other side of the river Oder, in both cases, are due as a result of: -Changes in the 1990’s in the EU -Poland's accession to the EU (2004) -Schengen area (2007) The dissolution of the border led to an increase in prices, increased German investment in Poland and job opportunities in Germany.
The Bazar The importance of these facilities in the border trade due to its proximity and good accessibility for the people of both sides of the border. The bazaar was opened in 1991 inspired by the frequent visits of people from different parts of Germany, with several points of sale, service and restoration. These first installations suffered a memorable fire in January In 2011 was opened a new bazaar built in the same place as the old, open every day of the week. The current crisis sales have declined to the point that the economy generated by commercial tourism has stalled and is not as prosperous as in previous years.
THE WAY OF ST. JAMES The Way of St. James is the most famous European pilgrim route is considered in many countries to be a symbol connecting religions, cultures and different ways of life. Over 1000 years old route brings pilgrims to Santiago de Compostela in the north west of Spain, where the remains of the apostle St. James are buried.
THE ODER-NEIßE CYCLING ROUTE: The Oder-Neiße Cycling Route follows along the two rivers and through three countries the Czech Republic, Poland and Germany. The cycling route stretches almost the entire length of the German-Polish border. It ventures 630 kilometers.
GUBIN-GUBEN SEWEGE TREATMENT PLANT A major project is scheduled for completion in Gubin on 2 May 1998, a joint wastewater treatment plant. Its mission is to support the two cities. It uses the different types of processes, which meant that it is one of the most modern of its kind in Poland. This investment was made as part of a pilot program in the field of environmental protection. Its goal is the construction of the city sewer Gubin. Was financed entirely with funds provided by the German Federal Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Environmental Protection of the Land of Brandenburg and the EU support funds - PHARE CBC.
Activity of sewage treatment plant
German-Polish Eurocentrum in Gubin-Guben Small and medium-sized enterprises are supported in Guben. This process is becoming more and more visible from 20 November 1998 when it created the German-Polish institution whose aim is to support small and medium-sized enterprises. Head it is precisely in Guben. It’s task is to making cross- border cooperation. Eurocentum also offers all interested economic operators and large range of services: - business consulting (commercial law, economic), -organization of cooperative exchanges, - moderating seminars and workshops of a business, - access to a rich database of traders.
Bazar MANHATTAN – „Here you can bay everything!” "Urban Bazaar Manhattan" is a unique market. On its site you can find products from more than 1,000 traders. It should also be noted that this is one of the largest bazaars in Europe. It stands out from other competitive prices, huge selection, healthy organic products. In fact, on its site you can buy almost anything. Its location is associated with the border crossing. It is located near Mużakowski Park and is considered a large shopping center - services. The site of this city, you can find items from different industries. The most common on the bazaar assortment are: Food, wickerwork, ceramics, clothing, haberdashery, confectionery, footwear, jewelery, textiles, souvenirs, tobacco products, electronic equipment, automotive accessories. Numerous bars and eateries offer insight Polish cuisine, regional dishes.
Public transport in Frankfurt der Oder and Słubice The bus line number 983 in Slubice and Frankfurt an der Oder - was the first in the history of Polish-German border city public transportation. bus line connect Słubice-Polish with German-Frankfurt der Oder, buses going from 9 December This operation is based on an agreement between the Municipality Słubice and Municipal Communication Company Frankfurt (SVF). It runs from the Frankfurt train station to Słubice Heroes' Square. In 9-13 hours, the first station on the German side of the square is in front of the European University Viadrina. Ticket price is paid in euros and is 1.40 €. The frequency rates of one per hour.
The results of the interview Questions: -Where do you come from? -What do you buy usually? -What do you think about public transport between Frankfurt der Oder and Słubice?
What do German usually buy in Polish side? On the German side people see the advantages of a bus line because they can get to the bazaar, the town center and railway station. However, most do not use this type of communication because they prefer to move cars. The German people are coming to Polish to buy different kinds of products. For the most frequently purchased can include food, gasoline, clothes. Many residents also draws attention to the quality of the products, which in Poland is higher than in Germany. Public transport in Frankfurt der Oder:
What do polish usually bay on german side? The custmores are from Słubice, Zielona Góra, Berlin, Katowice. Mostly residents are supported the public transport between Frankfurt and Słubice. Only one person says negative about bus transport. Problems: -ticket only in euro -only one type ticket -no monthly ticket -no discounts on ticket for children
Change in the landscape Commercial point of view historical scale, tourism, cooperation of twin towns. Historical: Agriculture became less important after commercial growth, old buildings turned into historical monuments. Newer buildings changed the landscape. Cooperation: National parks, traffic, renovation of old buildings, landscaping, sewege plant etc. Tourism: Bazaar, shops, advertisements, amount of border crossings -> services, harbor development etc. Mental landscape: Environment, service designings, sense of place, also social or only commercial relationships attitudes?
Conclusions Commercial role of the border areas is very important since nowadays the border unites rather than separates different regions. Relation between Germany and Poland has always been widely commercial impacts from behind many years of difficult history. Polish retail market is supplemented by trading goods from Germany while the German market, in turn, is supplied by the Polish products. Relations between the Polish German border in 2013 are good, residents are divided on the cooperation with the German side. In Frankfurt in contrast to Slubice not find all these small shops related to snuff or alcohol. In Frnakfurt we can find shops and restaurants belonging to powerful chains stores like H & M or McDonalds.
Thank you for attention !
REFERENCES Brym, Michelle Janet (2009). The Integration of European Union Borderlands: Polish Views on Cross-Border Mobility and Cooperation Across the Polish- German Border. University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Janczak, Jaroslav (2011). De-bordering, re-bordering and symbols on the European boundaries. Collegium Polonicum (Slubice) Janczak, Jaroslav (2007). Rediscovering Europe: Political challenges in the 21 st century EU. Institute of political sciences and journalism, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan. Newman, David (2003). On borders and power: A theoretical framework. Routledge Informa Ltd. (Frankfurt(Oder) – Slubice twin city association center website, read , Leknica city official website, read Slubice city official website, read Gubin-Guben city official website, read Polish government official website, read read Sewege treatment plant of Gubin-Guben, official website, read read