Leading Literacy Twilight Summer 2007 Focus on Film Presented by Lancashire’s Leading Literacy Teachers
Leading Literacy Twilight Summer 2007 Aims To encourage the use of film for developing speaking, listening, drama, reading and writing To promote the status of film as a true genre
Leading Literacy Twilight Summer 2007 Memorable films Discuss in pairs/groups your favourite film/s and first film experiences
Leading Literacy Twilight Summer 2007 Why use film? CreativeCritical Cultural Source - BFI
Leading Literacy Twilight Summer 2007 Benefits of using film Promoting understanding, appreciation and experience of a diverse range of moving image material Extending pupils’ cultural experiences Awareness and familiarity of film as a genre Telling stories in a medium that is closer to the everyday experience of many children Studying print and film alongside each other Making connections with other films pupils have seen. Maximising speaking and listening opportunities linked to films Drawing inferences and discussing how characters are presented – using high order reading skills without the need for decoding Providing a stimulus for writing Film as an outcome
Leading Literacy Twilight Summer 2007 Where does film fit in? Phase 1 Speaking and listening opportunities Phase 2 Developing higher order reading skills Phase 3 Film as a stimulus for writing Phase 4 Drama and film outcomes
Leading Literacy Twilight Summer 2007 Listening to soundtracks - Sound can set the mood. - Sound can set the mood. - Sound can affect not only the way viewers interpret the images but also what they actually think they can see. - Sound can affect not only the way viewers interpret the images but also what they actually think they can see. [At the end of the unit, try watching the film without sound – contrast the effect on the viewer.] Moving image soundtracks have 4 key elements: music, sound effects, voice and silence.
Leading Literacy Twilight Summer 2007 Focused listening Listen to an extract from the film without the visual element Activity Draw any sounds you can hear and share with a partner
Leading Literacy Twilight Summer 2007 Focus Boxes or Tell Me Grids Complete focus boxes individually and share responses with a partner Use the character, setting and mood cards if appropriate CharacterSetting MoodStory
Leading Literacy Twilight Summer 2007 Create a story map Listen to the whole film and draw a story map Share responses in pairs/groups
Leading Literacy Twilight Summer 2007 Viewing View the film up to a specific point Use the question hand to structure initial responses and clarify comprehension Make a prediction about what will happen next/ending of the film
Leading Literacy Twilight Summer 2007 Speaking Frames I like the film because… I was surprised by… I think the ending will be…
Leading Literacy Twilight Summer 2007 Writing the opening Write the opening sentence Feedback – share first 3 words
Leading Literacy Twilight Summer 2007 Improve your opening… Think about the opening – is it most likely to be action, dialogue or description? Choose a sentence starter ing ed ly Simile Preposition
Leading Literacy Twilight Summer 2007 Drama opportunities Hot seating Role play Freeze frames – characters and/or the film – think, say, feel Thought tracking at various points in the film Telephone conversations Media box
Leading Literacy Twilight Summer 2007 Incidental writing Think say feel Post–it notes Role on the wall Text message Letter to a problem page Diary Summarising the story so far/whole film in a sentence Character profiles/challenge Title and blurb
Leading Literacy Twilight Summer 2007 Analysis of film Sound Lighting Colour Camera angle
Leading Literacy Twilight Summer 2007 Consider possible outcomes… Narrative Poetry Plays Instructions Non-chronological Reports Explanations Recount Persuasion Discussion
Leading Literacy Twilight Summer 2007 Film outcomes Animation and Digital Blue Movie Maker Story box, digital cameras and Microsoft Photostory 3 Voice over, dialogue, narration Powerpoint to present own version of a story
Leading Literacy Twilight Summer 2007 Renewed Framework Film units Year 4 Unit 3 Explanations – ‘The Shirt Machine’ Year 5 Unit 5 and Year 6 Unit 4 – ‘The Piano’ See handout for further suggestions for using film in each year group
Leading Literacy Twilight Summer 2007 Resources British Film Institute Film Education Renewed Framework – Primary National Strategy
Leading Literacy Twilight Summer 2007 FIN That’s all folks!!