Integrating Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint
Session 1: Integrating Word and Excel Objectives: Embed an Excel chart in a Word document Edit an Excel chart in a Word document Link an Excel worksheet to a Word document Update a linked Excel worksheet New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2013
Session 1 Visual Overview New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2013
Embedding and Linking New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2013
Comparing Embedding and Linking Embedding and linking involve inserting an object into a destination file. New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2013
Opening the Word and Excel Files New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2013
Embedding the Excel Chart in the Word Using Copy and Paste Options New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2013
Excel Chart Pasted in the Word File New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2013
Modifying an Embedded Object Changing the color of the embedded chart New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2013
Modifying an Embedded Object cont. Adding a title to the vertical axis New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2013
Linking Excel Worksheet Data to Word Using Copy and Paste Options New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2013
Updating Linked Objects To update the data in Excel and update the linked table: New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2013
Updating Linked Objects cont. To edit the linked table with the Word document closed: New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2013
Final Version of the Letter New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2013
Session 2: Integrating Word, Excel and Access Objectives: Select a main document and a data source for a mail merge Edit a data source Insert merge fields into a form letter Preview and finish a mail merge Export Access query results to Excel New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2013
Session 2 Visual Overview New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2013
The Mail Merge Process New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2013
Selecting a Main Document and Data Source The first step is to identify the letter as the main document and then select the data source New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2013
Sorting Records in the Data Source New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2013
Inserting the Merge Fields New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2013
Inserting the Address Block Merge Field New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2013
Inserting the Greeting Line Merge Field New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2013
Previewing the Merged Document New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2013
Exporting Query Results from Access to Excel New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2013
Session 3: Integrating Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint Objectives: Create PowerPoint slides from a Word outline Create an Access query Copy Access query results to a PowerPoint slide Embed an Excel table in a PowerPoint slide New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2013
Session 3 Visual Overview New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2013
Importing an Outline to PowerPoint New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2013
Viewing the Outline Document with the Navigation Pane New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2013
Creating the PowerPoint Slides from the Word Outline Use the New Slide button arrow to select the Slides from Outline option and then select the Word outline document: New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2013
Copying Access Query Results into a PowerPoint Slide First create and modify the Access Query New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2013
Copying Access Query Results into a PowerPoint Slide cont. Copy and paste the query results onto the slide as plain text New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2013
Copying Access Query Results into a PowerPoint Slide cont. Modifying the text on the slide New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2013
Embedding an Excel Table in a PowerPoint Presentation Copy the table and paste it using the Embed paste option: New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2013
Modifying the Embedded Excel Worksheet The Excel ribbon displays in PowerPoint for the embedded worksheet New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2013
Modifying the Embedded Excel Worksheet cont. The updated slide New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2013