Water & energy saving in my school: an analysis of the problem & some helpful tips Jonathan G. 4°B IIS G.Garibaldi A.S Jonathan G. 4°B ” Water &Energy saving in my school” IIS G.Garibaldi A.S
MAP Save energy Introduction How Much Water Do You Use At school? Tips To Conserve Water In Our Tips To Conserve Water In Our school What Can I Do To Conserve Water? WORL DWATER DAY 2014:Water And Energy What Can I Do to Save energy? ExerciseBibliography Solution of exercise Metadata Jonathan G. 4°B ” Water &Energy saving in my school” IIS G.Garibaldi A.S
Water is a valuable and precious resource. A lot of water is wasted because too many people forget where water comes from and where it goes after they have used it. Introduction Pic.N°1 Save water Save life MAP Jonathan G. 4°B ” Water &Energy saving in my school” IIS G.Garibaldi A.S
Less than 1% of the world's fresh water or about 0.007% of the entire world’s water supply is available for human use (that’s approximately one teaspoon of water out of a full bath tub). Introduction MAP Pic.N° Women drinking water Jonathan G. 4°B ” Water &Energy saving in my school” IIS G.Garibaldi A.S
Here in Macerata, our water is supplied by the APM(Azienda Pluriservizi Macerata) and every year we use an average of cubic metres of water, approximately litres. Introduction MAP Pic.N°3 APM extensive services Pic.N°4 1 cubic metre of water Jonathan G. 4°B ” Water &Energy saving in my school” IIS G.Garibaldi A.S
Industries and public institutions account for over 25% of the water used in most major cities. How Much Water Do You Use At school? Much of the water used in industry,commercial buildings, educational institutions, washing down of floors and equipment, toilets and washrooms, air conditioning and cooling. MAP Pic.N°6 Save water Save yourself Pic.N°5 Save water the world is in your Hands Jonathan G. 4°B ” Water &Energy saving in my school” IIS G.Garibaldi A.S
It takes a considerable amount of energy to deliver and treat the water we use everyday.. Also, by using water more efficiently, we can help preserve water supplies for future generations, save money, and protect the environment. MAP Pic.N°7 Saving water for the future How Much Water Do You Use At school? Jonathan G. 4°B ” Water &Energy saving in my school” IIS G.Garibaldi A.S
MAP Pic.N°8 Save water… Save life Pic.N°9 Save water Tips to conserve water in our school 1) Turn off any unnecessary flows and equipment when not in use. Ensure water pressures and flows are set at minimum required settings. Jonathan G. 4°B ” Water & Energy saving in my school” IIS G.Garibaldi A.S
Tips to conserve water in our school 2) Water used in general cleaning can be as much as 10%. Devise measures to reduce the excessive use. 3)Support efforts and programs to create a diffused concern for water conservation among visitors to our shool. MAP Pic.N°10 Importance of the water and the ground Pic.N°11 Washing hands Jonathan G. 4°B ” Water & Energy saving in my school” IIS G.Garibaldi A.S
4) Water Efficiency Awards. Consider the idea holding water efficiency awards to encourage staff to get involved. This is a good way to collect and develop water saving ideas. MAP Pic.N°12 Splash of water Tips to conserve water in our school Jonathan G. 4°B ” Water & Energy saving in my school” IIS G.Garibaldi A.S
What Can I Do to Conserve Water? Report all significant water losses (broken pipes, open hydrants, misdirected sprinklers, abandoned or free-flowing wells, etc.) MAP Jonathan G. 4°B ” Water & Energy saving in my school” IIS G.Garibaldi A.S
Saving energy MAP If people use less energy, there is less pressure to increase the available supply of energy, for example by constructing new power plants, or by importing energy from a different country. Pic.N°13 Save energy save the earth Pic.N°14 United to Save energy Jonathan G. 4°B ” Water & Energy saving in my school” IIS G.Garibaldi A.S
What Can I Do to Conserve Energy? MAP 1) Switch off lights when not in use – lighting accounts for nearly 50% of the electric bill in most schools. Then install ecologic light bulbs. 2)Turn down heat in the hallways and keep classroom doors closed. Pic.N°15 Eco light bulb Pic.N°16 Save energy and close the door Jonathan G. 4°B ” Water & Energy saving in my school” IIS G.Garibaldi A.S
What Can I Do to Save energy? MAP 3) Make sure that every computer are set so they will go into the “sleep” mode when not in active use. 4)Students should turn off monitors that will not be used for the next class period. Pic.N°17 Our informatic room Pic.N°18 Our informatic room Jonathan G. 4°B ” Water & Energy saving in my school” IIS G.Garibaldi A.S
What Can I Do to Save energy? MAP 5)Energy savings add up when the entire school joins together in conservation efforts. Pic.N°19 Save energy Pic.N°20 Eco light bulb Jonathan G. 4°B ” Water & Energy saving in my school” IIS G.Garibaldi A.S
Conclusion SAVING ENERGY 1.Switching off lights when not in use 2.Turning down heat in the hallways and keep classroom doors closed. 3.Activating “sleep” mode when computer isn’t in active use. 4.Turning off monitors which will not be used for the next class period. SAVING WATER 1.Turning off any unnecessary flows and equipment when not in use. 2.Creating a diffused concern for water conservation 3.Reporting all significant water losses through the main media. MAP Pic.N°13 Save water Save life & save the world Jonathan G. 4°B ” Water & Energy saving in my school” IIS G.Garibaldi A.S
MAP Jonathan G. 4°B ” Water & Energy saving in my school” IIS G.Garibaldi A.S
World Water Day 2014 will address the nexus of water and energy and it will be coordinated by the United Nations University (UNU) and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) on behalf of UN-Water. MAP Pic.N°14 Poster of world water day 2014 Jonathan G. 4°B ” Water & Energy saving in my school” IIS G.Garibaldi A.S
Water and energy are closely interdependent. Energy generation and transmission requires the use of water resources, particularly for hydroelectric, nuclear, and thermal energy sources. MAP Pic.N°15 Save water Save life and save the world Jonathan G. 4°B ” Water & Energy saving in my school” IIS G.Garibaldi A.S
MAP Jonathan G. 4°B ” Water & Energy saving in my school” IIS G.Garibaldi A.S
EXERCISE Ex n°1 complete this graphic. Ex n° 2 complete. University –energy- Industrial- United -Organization- Water World Day 2014 will address the nexus of water and and it will be coordinated by the United Nations (UNU) and the Nations Development (UNIDO) on behalf of UN-Water. Ex Key CLICK HERE MAP Jonathan G. 4°B ” Water & Energy saving in my school” IIS G.Garibaldi A.S
EXERCISE KEY Ex n°1 complete this graphic. Ex n° 2 complete. World Water Day 2014 will address the nexus of water and energy and it will be coordinated by the United Nations University (UNU) and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) on behalf of UN-Water. MAP Jonathan G. 4°B ” Water & Energy saving in my school” IIS G.Garibaldi A.S
Metadata TECNICHE Dimensione: 4.62mb EDUCATIVE Tipo: Progetto Lingua: Inglese generale / microlingua Tipologia interazione: Espositiva (Selezione topic -lettura-navigazione ipertestuale) Livello di interazione: Alto Ricchezza semantica: Media Destinatari (tipo ed età): studenti e lavoratori con conoscenze linguistiche Contesto di apprendimento; laboratorio multimediale, autoapprendimento, recupero Grado di difficoltà:facile Breve descrizione:l’acqua utilizzata a lavoro, come ridurla e quanto è importante Punti di forza: images Punti di debolezza: grammar Titolo:water conservation in the workplace Autore: Jonathan G. Classe 4°B Anno: Formato: PPT MAP Jonathan G. 4°B ” Water & Energy saving in my school” IIS G.Garibaldi A.S
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Bibliography Picture n° 1. %2F04%2Fsurgical-gaming-and-handwashing-police-5-blueprint-health-startups-to-watch%2Fwash-hands%2F&docid=OhGTu- IyiU3D1M&imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fgigaom2.files.wordpress.com%2F2013%2F04%2Fwash- hands.jpg%253Fw%253D708&w=708&h=472&ei=oSTQUpPCB8zKswa1mICABQ&zoom=1&ved=0COcBEIQcMC8&iact=rc&dur=421&page=2&start=28 &ndsp= fCM&tbnid=3sgx2KmM2_KcbM:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=%2Furl%3Fsa%3Di%26rct%3Dj%26q%3D%26esrc%3Ds%26source%3Dimages%26cd%3D%2 6cad%3Drja%26docid%3DDr-zZ5Efss- fCM%26tbnid%3D3sgx2KmM2_KcbM%3A%26ved%3D0CAUQjRw%26url%3D%252Furl%253Fsa%253Di%2526rct%253Dj%2526q%253D%2526esrc% 253Ds%2526source%253Dimages%2526cd%253D%2526cad%253Drja%2526docid%253DDr-zZ5Efss- fCM%2526tbnid%253D3sgx2KmM2_KcbM%253A%2526ved%253D0CAUQjRw%2526url%253Dhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.liquidleds.com.a u%25252Fblog%25252Fsimple-tips-save- power%2526ei%253DE2fZUoaELcrMswbY0YHwCg%2526bvm%253Dbv %252Cd.bGQ%2526psig%253DAFQjCNHnPktzc9jSO4i1vAaqA0Rzdd SL_w%2526ust%253D %26ei%3DE2fZUoaELcrMswbY0YHwCg%26bvm%3Dbv %2Cd.bGQ%26psig%3DAFQjCNHnPktzc9 jSO4i1vAaqA0RzddSL_w%26ust%3D &ei=E2fZUoaELcrMswbY0YHwCg&bvm=bv ,d.bGQ&psig=AFQjCNHnPktzc9jSO4i1v AaqA0RzddSL_w&ust= Rw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ecofriend.com%2Fsimple-ways-to-save-energy-reduce-your-electricity- bills.html&ei=MmnZUuG2IMebtAbK0oH4DQ&bvm=bv ,d.bGQ&psig=AFQjCNHnPktzc9jSO4i1vAaqA0RzddSL_w&ust= gRY3DobTM%3A&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sheknows.com%2Fliving%2Farticles%2F7070%2Freduce-your-energy-costs-with-these- moneysaving-tips&docid=Ua7Y0kNOIATrNM&imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fcdn.sheknows.com%2Farticles%2F2010%2F05%2Fcfl- bulb.jpg&w=600&h=399&ei=3XDZUsWrBsboywPOjoKwCA&zoom=1&ved=0CPUBEIQcMFA4ZA&iact=rc&dur=115&page=6&ndsp= uM%3A&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.keepcalm-o-matic.co.uk%2Fp%2Fsave-energy-and-close-the- door%2F&docid=uoWtED94scOYLM&imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fsd.keepcalm-o-matic.co.uk%2Fi%2Fsave-energy-and-close-the- door.png&w=600&h=700&ei=CnHZUsv5OOXiygPggoG4BQ&zoom=1&ved=0CIgBEIQcMBA&iact=rc&dur=278&page=1&start=0&ndsp= MAP Jonathan G. 4°B ” Water & Energy saving in my school” IIS G.Garibaldi A.S
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THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION MAP Jonathan G. 4°B ” Water & Energy Saving in my school” IIS G.Garibaldi A.S