Expanding Campus Initiatives to Include a Water Action Plan By Kelly Domino, Kimberly Reeves and Justine Schwartz
Getting to know Agnes “Agnes Scott College educates women to think deeply, live honorably and engage the social and intellectual challenges of their times.”
Our Sustainable Commitment Signed ACUPCC as a charter member First LEED certification in City of Decatur Environmental and Sustainability Studies minor Increased waste diversion rates
Why a water audit? Reduce our water footprint No one seems to focus on water Direct relation to our deferred maintenance list
Where we started Student-led data collection Sourced water meters Checked fixtures for flow rates Professor/staff/student involvement
A Comparison of Annual Totals Area of Water Use Total Annual Consumption in Gallons Total Annual Consumption in Gallons Student Residences 7,519,4208,832,817 Academic/Office3,852,7223,754,964 Irrigation3,722,300779,950 Dining2,709,1502,424,650 Athletic2,010,0001,128,500 Residences280,400256,700 TOTAL GALLONS SAVED : 20,093,992-17,177,581= 2,916,411 TOTAL % REDUCTION: 14.5%
Dining 13% Irrigation 19% Student Residences 38% Academic/Office 19% Residences 1% Athletic 10% Dining 14% Irrigation 5% Student Residences 51% Academic/Office 22% Residences 1% Athletic 7% Water Use Water Use
Overall Reduction by Building Categories -14%-11% -79% 17% -3% -8% -44% -100% -80% -60% -40% -20% 0% 20% 40% Total Dining Irrigation Student Residences Academic/OfficeResidences Athletic
Our plan structure Offset Replace Reduce Avoid
Avoid: what we did Tray-less in the dining hall Irrigation changes Outreach/Education Comprehensive metering Avoid
Avoid: action ideas Expand E.S.S. minor and Azalea Project First-year orientation programming “L-E-A-K” Save water=save energy Grey water
Reduce: action ideas 5% overall reduction in one year Water conservation education Funding 3 year goal= 20% reduction 5 year goal= ? Reduce
Replace: action ideas Retrofit 3 residence halls Landscaping method changes Replace
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