CIVICS VOCABULARY. CIVICS VOCAB How it’s going to work: Vocab will be given in a list format broken down by unit. Each unit will further be broken down.


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Presentation transcript:


CIVICS VOCAB How it’s going to work: Vocab will be given in a list format broken down by unit. Each unit will further be broken down by lesson. You will be responsible for defining the lesson’s vocabulary BEFORE I teach the lesson that the vocab words correspond to. a.Ex. Today we are taking our syllabus quiz. We are starting Unit 1, Lesson 1 on Tuesday. You will need to define words for lesson 1 before you come to class Tuesday. These definitions need to be hand written and put in your vocab section of your binder!

WHERE DO I FIND DEFINITIONS?  Write the word and the definition of the word.  Please use google to find the best definitions of words.  Google: “definition of [vocab word]” a.Use the definition that appears at the top of the google search b.Make sure you use the correct CIVICS definition of the word. Some of our vocab may have multiple meanings. c.If the word is a person or thing, write what is important about that word!

HOW DOES VOCAB COUNT TOWARDS MY GRADE?  Every day, you will be assigned a set of vocab words to define. We will review them the next day in class.  Every week, you will have a quiz on the vocab you learned.  You will get a quiz grade for this every week.

EXTRA CREDIT OPPORTUNITY For extra credit, take a flashcard and write the vocab word of your choice from the current unit neatly on the top of the blank side of a flashcard. Underneath the word, make an illustration that helps you remember the meaning of the word. On the lined side, write the definition of that word. You should also write your name and period in the top right corner of the lined side. You must illustrate the card. Pictures from a website will not earn credit. I am not grading you on your artistic ability, I am grading you on your understanding of the word. If you draw a picture that demonstrates the meaning of your word well enough for your classmates to understand the word, you will earn extra credit. Vocabulary flashcards must be from the unit we are currently working on. Vocabulary flashcards must be turned in a minimum of one class BEFORE the Unit test to receive credit.

VOCABULARY FOR LESSON 1: DUE NEXT CLASS o Civics o Government o Direct Democracy o Representative Democracy o Socialism o Communism o Monarchy o Oligarchy o Autocracy: