French Agriculture Presentation Benoit Thibolt Mathis Rambaud Maxime Le Belleguy
Land use for agriculture in France 55 millions hectares = size of France 32 millions hectares of agricultural land 62 % for crops production 34 % for grassland 2 % of vineyard
Agro-food economy 3,5 % of the national GDP 66,8 billion of € 4 % of the employment Half of the value come from cereals and wine production
The environment One French person on four live in the countryside. Continental France is divided into 22 regions Population of 62 million inhabitants Average population density of 108 inhabitants per km².
Climate & terrain
Farms strucures farms Average of 73,3 hectares/ farm 3 people for 100 ha
Different productions Crops Vegetables Wine Livestock Dairy production Beef Pork Poultry
Crops 70 millions tons 35 M wheat 15 M maize 13 M barley 5,5 M rapeseeds These four crops are the most cultivate in France 5st producer in the world
Vegetables & fruit hectares 5,5 millions tons 3 rd Producer of UE Carrots and Tomatoes are the most cultivate 1 er exporter of apple in the world
Wine 450 different kind of wine Bordeaux Bourgogne Champagne 5320 millions of litres 1/3 of the production => Export
Dairy production litres => Average production/ year/ farm 4,4 million of dairy cows 350 kind of cheeses
Beef production 4,2 millions of cows Average : 23 cows/ farm 25 % of the European Union beef production
Pork 26 millions of pigs 4th producer of Europe 40 % of the production => Brittany
Poultry 2 million tons of production 1 st producer of Europe 63 % of the production => west part of France
Agro- industry 140 billion Euros of turn-over employees 1st sector in term of turn-over Companies : DANONE LACTALIS