P7 Parent Meeting Puberty April 2013
The Unit Transdisciplinary Theme: Who we are Central Idea: Throughout our lives our bodies and perspectives change.
Lines of Inquiry The changes in our bodies as we grow The changes that influence our emotions and interests as we grow Our changing roles and responsibilities as we get older
The changes in our bodies Life-cycles, comparing humans to plants and other animals The eight stages of the human life cycle are infant, toddler, pre-schooler, school- aged child, adolescent, young adult, middle-aged adult and older adult. Body parts using accurate, scientific vocabulary Puberty
What we will discuss - Girls Change Signs of change to be discussed Responsibility Hygiene topics to be discussed Ms Priscilla, Ms Withers, Ms Green body shape, oily skin, sweat glands, growing pains, tender breasts, bras, pubic hair, underarm hair, vaginal mucus thickening, menstrual cycle panty liners, sanitary pads, tampons, deodorant, changing clothes, showering, washing genitals, shaving, waxing,
What we will discuss - Boys Mr Michael Hinds (P8), Mr Nick Ioramashvili Change Signs of change to be discussed body shape, growing pains, foot size, hand size, muscle development, pubic hair, underarm hair, sensitive genitals, voice change, oily skin, sweat glands, erections, wet dreams, Responsibility Hygiene topics to be discussed showering, washing genitals, changing clothes, deodorant
What we will refer home… any points relating to: human reproduction, intimate relations or sexual orientation.
Other ‘Resources’ Ms Carsley - the Elementary Ms Claire - our new nurse who has a wealth of knowledge and experience in this field.
When? Wednesday 24 th and Thursday 25 th April Last period of the day – this will enable us to send the children home to share with you what was discussed.
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