City of Ottawa Tree Planting Programs April 22nd, 2015 Kendra Labrosse Landscape Architect, Planting and Community Engagement Unit Forestry Services
Public Works Department Business Services Fleet Parking Services Parks, Buildings Grounds Services Roads Services Traffic Services Forestry There are other areas of the city that deal with trees; comment on who does what in terms of landscape plans Always amazed at when putting together a presentation like this at how much we do.
Forestry Services Forestry Field Operations Planning and Protection Planting and Community Engagement
Tree Planting Programs Trees in Trust Program Commemorative Tree Program School Yard Tree Planting Grant Program Streetscape and Park Tree Planting Emerald Ash Borer Planting Community Tree Plantings Green Acres Program
Trees in Trust Tree planting on the City-owned portion of the road allowance in front of a residence City plants- Resident waters No charge to the homeowner
Commemorative Tree Program Tree planting in memory of an individual City plants the tree in a City Park Cost recovery Plaque additional cost 400 plus tax
Schoolyard Tree Planting Grant Program Up to $10,000 per project for tree planting Funding Available in Trees or Dollars No matching funds required Application Deadline June 1st for spring projects the following year
Schoolyard Tree Planting Grant Program Eligible Projects Tree planting initiatives on school grounds within the City of Ottawa Applicants must commit to the long-term maintenance of the trees School board, principal, and custodian must support the initiative
Schoolyard Tree Planting Grant Program Who May Apply Student/ Parent Councils School Environment/ Garden Clubs Other not-for-profit interest groups associated with the school
Streetscape and Park Tree Planting Replacement and new tree planting along streets, in parks and at City facilities Work with Community Groups on appropriate location for new trees in their community 400 plus tax
Emerald Ash Borer Strategy Selective Tree injections Tree removal Wood movement and disposal Tree Planting Outreach and Education
Interplanting and Replacements EAB Tree Planting Interplanting and Replacements Ash tree Planting of a new tree in close proximity to an existing ash New tree (maple)
EAB Reforestation
Community Engagement Community Tree Plantings Buckthorn Removal
Green Acres Rural Reforestation Program Reforestation in partnership with private land owners Cost sharing Administered through the Conservation Authorities 400 plus tax
Tree Planting Operations Waterbags watering
Tree Planting Operations
Tree Planting Operations
Tree Watering Water bags Hose Trucks Mechanical Arm Trucks
Establishment Tree Pruning Structural pruning of young trees Mulch Stake removal Tree protection Before After
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